

A Study of Tree Based Data Aggregation Techniques for WSNs



Wireless sensor network consists of a huge quantity of less-price sensor nodes. These nodes has restricted power of battery, and the replacement of battery is not a simple task in wireless sensor networks because there are a huge quantity of nodes. Data Aggregation is a significant method to attain power efficiency in wireless sensor network. Data aggregation at the sink by all the nodes results in flooding of the data which causes greatest energy utilization. Though a lot of protocols are planned so far to get better the energy efficiency further but still a lot improvement can be made. In this paper, various data aggregation techniques have been discussed. The overall purpose of this survey is to explain data aggregation techniques and to find limitations of General Self-Organized Tree-Based Energy-Balance Routing Protocol (GSTEB).


 I. Introduction
 II. Data Aggregation Techniques
 III. GSTEB Protocol
 IV. Literature Review
 V. Limitations of Reviewed Techniques and GSTEB Protocol
 VI. Conclusion and Future Scope
 VII. References


  • Sandeep Kaur Dept of CSE, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar (Punjab) India
  • R.C. Gangwar Department of Computer Sci. & Engg, BCET Gurdaspur (Punjab) India


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