

A Cost Effective Virtual Cluster with Hadoop Framework for Big Data Analytics



Big data processing is currently becoming increasingly important research field in computer technology professionals due to the continuous growth of the amount of data generated by various fields. However, the processing of large-scale research data requires cluster technology infrastructure which causes huge investments for educational institutions. Hadoop is an open-source framework that allows for distributed storage and processing of very large data sets on computer clusters built from commodity hardware. This technology is being widely used for the analysis of large datasets. This paper focuses on proposes a low cost scalable hadoop virtual cluster platform and the performance of hadoop irtual cluster. We first describe the design and implementation of a virtual datacenter using hadoop framework. Then we perform a set of experiments to investigate the performance of virtual datacenter with standard datasets. For experiment and evaluation, the Cloudera's distribution of Apache Hadoop (CDH) is installed and configured on the DIU Cloud and Big Data Lab as a prototype implementation of a virtual data center and tested with 40 workstations. In this paper, we use TPC BENCHMARK ™ DS” by-Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) benchmarks for evaluation virtual data center performance. The contributions of this paper, is to design model and implement a cost effective elastic virtual data center with hadoop framework and resource utilizations for educational institutions to provide high performance for distributed and parallel processing; as well as, Identify the bottlenecks of this systems e.g. bandwidth of network connectivity with all nodes in the lab.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Technologies
  2.1. Virtualization Technology
  2.2. Hadoop
  2.3. MapReduce
 3. Implementation of Hadoop Virtual Cluster
  3.1. Infrastructure Design
  3.2. Environment Setup
 4. Performance Evaluation
  4.1. Query Example One
  4.2. Query Example Two
  4.3. Query Example Three
 5. Conclusion


  • Seraj Al Mahmud Mostafa Member, IEEE, 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Daffodil International University Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • A.B.M Moniruzzaman Member, IEEE, 2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Daffodil International University Dhaka, Bangladesh


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