

Sentiment-Aspect Analysis through Semi-Supervised Topic Modeling



Sentiment analysis based on the aspects of products or services is designed to explore subjective information such as attitudes and opinions in user-generated reviews. Although a great many of approaches have been proposed in detecting aspects and the relevant aspect-specific sentiments, most of them detect the latent aspects with no proper classifying them or classify them employing unsupervised topic modeling without predicting the sentiment towards these aspects. This paper proposes a novel sentiment-aspect analysis probabilistic modeling framework consisting of Seeding words extraction and semi-supervised topic (SST) model based on Sentence-LDA. More specifically, the proposed methodology starts by capturing seeding words from the websites inherent semi-structured information about products or services description. Then, it employs the captured seeding words to instruct the discovery of aspects and relevant sentiment of products or services simultaneously. Experimental results show that significant improvements have been achieved by the proposed method with respect to other state-of-the-art methods.


 1 Introduction
 2. Proposed Approach
  2.1. Seeding Words and Regrouping
  2.2. SST Model
 3. Experiences
  3.1. Dataset and Settings
  3.2. Sentiment-Aspect Extraction
  3.3. Predictive Power
  3.4. Sentiment Classification
 4. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Yong Heng Chen College of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, Zhang zhou 363000, China
  • Wanli Zuo College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, China
  • Hao Yue College of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, Zhang zhou 363000, China
  • Yaojin Lin College of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, Zhang zhou 363000, China


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