

高等學校 問題解決 능력 신장을 위한 敎授 學習 방법 硏究


A study on teaching methodology for improving Problem-solving skills in high school mathematics

고등학교 문제해결 능력 신장을 위한 교수 학습 방법 연구




This is the study on a teaching method for improving problem-solving ability in mathematics. If this method is performed step by step in solving problems, learners can approach problems in a variety of ways. This step-by-step teaching method will create some changes among learners. The purpose of this experiment was to determine what effects resulted from this method, especially which effects arose in the affective areas of learning math. For the experiment, learning materials were divided into 73 parts. And the subjects, who are low-leveled and have negative attitudes towards mathematics, were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to this method for four months (treatment group), and the other group(control group) was not. According to the result, though there were few changes, the treatment group came to be more interested in math than before and also negative attitudes towards math were reduced gradually, as compared with the control group. In this study, three factors were investigated: interest in math, attitudes toward math, and learning -achievement in math. Significant changes were found in two factors: interest in math and learning-achievement in math. No significant changes were found in the area of attitudes towards math. In conclusion, if this method is adopted and performed regularly, it is likely that the problem-solving skills will be improved and the negative attitudes towards math will be reduced.


I. 서론
  A. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
  B. 용어의 정의
  C. 연구의 제한점
  D. 이론적 배경
 II. 본론
  A. 연구 절차
  B. 검증 계획
  C. 연구의 내용
  D. 연구의 결과 분석
 VII. 결론 및 제언
  A. 결론
  B. 제언


  • 김용규 Yong Ku Kim. 충남 유구공고


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