Computational Fluid Analysis for Optimum Decanting and Treatment Characteristics in Continuous Sequencing Batch Reactor (CSBR) using Bio-carrier
This study, using CSBR (continuos sequencing batch reactor) process which is SBR combined with A2 (anoxic and anoerobic) process, was conducted to solve problem having SBR process such as the limit of removal of both nitrogen and phosphorus, and wash out of settled sludge when decanting. Every tank was filled with PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) media having immobilized microorganism. Effluent levels were evaluated to confirm treatment efficiencies at 3 different HRTs. At Mode-1 (HRT 14.1 hr), BOD, CODCr, SS, TN and TP of effluent were 4.7, 18.1, 3.9,11.3, and 1.38 mg/L, and treatment efficiencies were 95.6, 89.3, 95.9, 65.0 and 60.5%, respectively. At Mode-2 (HRT 11.3 hr), BOD, CODCr, SS, TN and TP of effluent were 4.7, 23.4, 4.1, 11.7, and 1.41 mg/L, and treatment efficiencies were 97.1, 91.2, 97.2 66.5 and 61.8%, respectively. At Mode-3 (HRT 9.9 hr), BOD, CODCr, SS, TN and TP of effluent were 5.4, 28.6, 4.4, 12.4, and 1.46 mg/L, and treatment efficiencies were 97.3, 89.6, 97.1 64.6 and 62.8%, respectively. All discharge standards met at each Mode. Also, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) analysis was conducted to check washout effect over decant heights. When decanting height changing from one half of full water level to one fifth of that, although PVA media (polyvinyl alcohol media, specific gravity 1.023) did not outflow, suspended particle was washed out. At that time, SS of effluent was increased from 4.13 mg/L to 5.78 mg/L, but all discharging standards met. If CSBR process with PVA media is applied, it may get more improved effluent quality and treat increased flow at lower discharging height.
SBR(Sequence Batch Reactor)공정은 유기물과 영양염류 제거를 위해 폭넓게 적용되어 왔으나, 질소와 인과 같은 영양염류의 제거 및 침강된 슬러지의 Washout에 의한 처리유량이 제한되는 문제점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 A2공정과 SBR공정의 결합한 CSBR(continuos sequencing batch reactor)공정을 구성하였으며, 각 반응조에 고정화 미생물 담체인 PVA gel을 충진하였으며, 각각의 HRT에서의 처리특성을 평가하였다. Mode-1(HRT 14.1 hr)에서의 방류수의 BOD, CODCr, SS, TN와 TP는 4.7, 18.1, 3.9, 11.3, 1.38 mg/L였고, 처리효율은 각각 95.6, 89.3, 95.9, 65.0 and 60.5%였다. Mode-2에서의 방류수의 BOD, CODCr, SS, TN와 TP는 4.7, 23.4, 4.1, 11.7, 1.41 mg/L였고, 처리효율은 각각 97.1, 91.2, 97.2 66.5, 61.8%였다. Mode-3(HRT 9.9 hr)에서의 방류수의 BOD, CODCr, SS, TN와 TP는 5.4, 28.6, 4.4,12.4,, 1.46 mg/L였고, 처리효율은 각각 97.3, 89.6, 97.1 64.6, 62.8%였다. 각각의 Mode들에서 모든 방류수 수질기준을 만족하였다. 또한,Decanting 높이에 따른 wash out을 확인하기 위하여 CFD(computational fluid dynamics) 분석을 수행하였다. 방류지점을 1/2지점에서 1/5지점까지 변동시켜 분석한 결과 PVA 담체(polyvinyl alcohol media, specific gravity 1.023)은 유출되지 않았다. 하지만 SS의 일부 유출을 확인할수 있었으며, 이때 유출수의 SS농도는 4.13 mg/L에서 5.78 mg/L로 증가하였으나, 전체적인 수질은 방류기준에 부합하였다. CSBR공정에 PVA 담체를 적용할 경우 안정적인 방류수질의 확보와 더불어 더 낮은 지점까지 방류할 수 있어 처리용량을 증가시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
I. 서론
II. 실험재료 및 방법
1. 실험 장치
2. 유입수 성상
3. 운전조건
4. 모델링 조건
III. 결과 및 고찰
1. 유출수 분석
2. 반응조 운전특성
3. 질소 제거특성
4. 반응조내 질소 및 SCOD 거동
5. SBR 반응조의 유동해석
IV. 결론