


디자인 보호법제간 경합 현황과 경합의 처리를 둘러싼 제 문제


A Current Pattern and Standard of Solution on the Competitive Legal Systems for Design Protection


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Industrial Design may be protected by several different forms of intellectual property rights(IPRs) such as design right, copyright, and trademark including protection from the Unfair Competition. Recently, these competitive and cumulative protections by the different IPRs have been increased and may cause some troubles. For example, cumulative design protection by the different IPRs may cause troubles in respect of the competition policy, legal purpose of each intellectual property law and require resolution policy demarcating a line between IPRs. First of all, it is discussed that the intellectual property protection regime to protect a design and mutual boundaries of each legal systems, and a conceptual framework to select a legal system strategically for the creators and users‘ point of view. It will be reviewed what kind of the pros and cons of each design protection in legal aspects for selecting a more effective method. Each type of designs such as a fine artistic design, typical industrial products design, applied art design, trade-dress design are divided into consideration to catch the differences in legal competitive and cumulative protection patterns they could reveal in general. Secondly, the patterns of Competitive Protections of a design are to be divided ‘Cumulative Protection System’ into ‘ Legal Conflicts between IPRs. Regarding ‘Cumulative Protection System’, this article discusses the main reasons of persuiting Cumulative Protection and the demarcation principles in order to avoid its systematic problems and conflicts under these dual protection systems. In particular, the principle of ‘functionality doctrine’ and the copyrightability of useful articles(applied arts design) under the “separability standard” that is still working as an important demarcation principle. Furthermore, this article will analyze the provision for resolving conflicts between IPRs for design protection, which is providing that prior rights holder‘s consent is prerequisite for the use of their registered rights afterwards. Finally, after assessment of the laws and regulaions coordianting its conflicts under design law whether they are working as a reasonable standards, this article will propose a workable method for the desirable directions of current design protection system to be revised in the future for the solution of conflicts between IPRs for design protection.


Ⅰ. 서설
  1. 디자인의 정의
  2. 문제의 제기와 논의방향
 Ⅱ. 디자인보호법제간 경계와 장단점 분석
  1. 개설
  2. 각 법의 경계와 보호방식의 비교
  3. 제도이용자의 입장에서 본 저작권과 디자인권, 상표권의 선택
  4. 디자인보호 법제간의 경합과 그 확대경향
  5. 디자인 성격 유형별 교착양상의 차이와 보호입법
 Ⅲ. 디자인의 중첩적 보호를 둘러싼 법적 쟁점과 과제
  1. 중첩보호의 의의
  2. 디자인 중첩호보 발생의 원인과 경향
  3. 중첩보호 확대가 초래하는 문제점
  4. 디자인의 중첩보호를 방지하기 위한 장치와 경계설정 원리
 Ⅳ. 디자인권과 타 권리간의 저촉관계와 규율장치의 재검토
  1. 디자인권과 타 지재권간 저촉이 발생하는 원인과 양상
  2. 현행법상 권리저촉관계 조정장치
 Ⅴ. 중첩보호의 제한 및 권리충돌 조정 장치에 대한 입법론적 과제
  1. 요약정리
  2. 현행 권리조정체계의 한계와 보완입법시 고려사항


  • 김원오 Kim, Won-Oh. 인하대학교 법학전문대학원 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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