

A Topology Control Method with Prediction of Lossy Links in Cluster Based Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks



Many effects have been applied to maintain the stable topology and increase the stability of the Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET). Traditional Topology control mechanisms fail to consider lossy links which provide only probabilistic connectivity. The existing methods such as cooperative communication, Distributed Topology Control method, and Joint authentication control method have not ensured the survivability of a node. The high possibility of a link breakdown due to low energy in ad-hoc networks causes the cluster head selection issues with regard to achieving the best possible service reliability. We propose Cluster Dependent Topology Control (CDTC) Framework, which provides the ability to elect a cluster head by taking few metrics such as the residual energy of the cluster head, the lifetime of a cluster head within a cluster and network reachability. We attempt to find the minimal survivability of nodes under the conditions of the dynamic movement of individual nodes which will ensure that a set of mobile nodes form a connected network. Our proposed method is on-demand, which balances link failure, improves the network connectivity, and prolongs the lifetime of MANETs.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Clustering
  2.2 Admission Control and Survivability
  2.3 Lossy Link Estimation
 3. Topology Control
  3.1 System Model for Topology Control
  3.2 Mobility Model
  3.3 Node Current Table and Historical Table
  3.4 Lossy Link Estimation
  3.5 Network Stability Estimation
 4. Simulation Results
 5. Conclusion


  • T. Parameswaran Department of CSE, Anna University Regional Centre,, India
  • C. Palanisamy Department of IT, Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology, India
  • Anand Paul School Of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Korea
  • Seungmin Rho Department Of Multimedia, Sungkyul University, Anyang-Si, Korea


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