

Effect of Near-Side on-Line Bus Stop on Signalized Intersection Capacity




In order to estimate the capacity of signalized intersection more exactly, this paper improves the bus blockage adjustment factor calculating model of HCM2010. The research is mainly focused on the near-side on-line bus stop. Based on the traffic flow theory and probability theory, the signalized intersection capacity is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Three kinds of land-use of the bus loading lane were considerate. Then the study on the factors and its sensitivity analysis about the impact on the capacity due to the bus stop has been conducted. The results show that both the distance between the bus stop and intersection stop line and the arrival rate of the bus loading lane affect the signalized intersection capacity greatly. The distance between the bus stop and intersection stop line should be long enough to accommodate the queue length of the vehicles arrived during red time.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
 3. Qualitative Analysis
 4. Model Foundation
  4.1. The Lane the Bus Stop Located in is for Through and Right Turn
  4.2. The Lane the Bus Stop Located in is Exclusive Right-Turn Lane
  4.3. The Lane the Bus Stop Located in is for Right turn and Bus
 5. Model Analysis
  5.1. The Lane the Bus Stop Located in is for through and Right turn
  5.2. The Lane the Bus Stop Located in is Exclusive right-turn lane
 6. Conclusion


  • Jiao Yao Business school, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China
  • Jieqiong Xu Business school, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China
  • Jing Zhao Business school, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, 200093, China


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