

LQ-Servo Design with Reduced Order Observer for Two-wheeled Self-balancing Robot based on HIL Simulation



In this paper, an LQ-servo design method based on reduced order observer is proposed in order to control the two-wheeled self balancing robot. We employ reduced order observer, which estimates the states that cannot be accessible by the direct measurements from sensors in order to make its implementation on real time digital processor simpler and cost-effective. The performance index of LQ-servo controller is determined such that overshoot and oscillation of the controlled system in time domain are minimized. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed control system are shown via numerical simulations. It is also shown from hardware-in-loop simulator that the proposed design for self balancing robot reflects the real time behavior quite well.


 1. Introduction
 2. Model Description of the Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robot
 3. LQ-Servo Design with Reduced-Order Observer
  3.1. LQ-Servo Controller Design
  3.2. Reduced-Order Observer Design
 4. Simulation
 5. Conclusion


  • Changhyun Kim Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute, Busan, Korea
  • Jaekyum Kim Electrical Engineering Department, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jun Won Choi Electrical Engineering Department, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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