

Numerical Investigation of Chemically Reacting MHD Flow Due to a Rotating Cone with Thermophoresis and Brownian Motion



In this study we analyzed the momentum, heat and mass transfer behaviour of magnetohydrodynamic flow towards a vertical rotating cone in porous medium with thermophoresis and Brownian motion effects. Further, the numerical solutions are elucidated by using Runge-Kutta based shooting technique. Obtained results are validated with open literature and found an excellent agreement. The influence of non-dimensional governing parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles along with the skin friction factor, local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are determined and discussed with the help of graphs and tables. Results proved that the thermophoresis and Brownian motion parameters have tendency to control the heat and mass transfer rates. It is also found that a raise in the porosity parameter develops the heat and mass transfer rate.


 1. Introduction
 2. Mathematical Analysis
 3. Results and Discussion
 4. Conclusions


  • C. Sulochana Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585106, India
  • G. P. Ashwinkumar Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585106, India
  • N. Sandeep Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585106, India


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