

The Potential of Coriandrum Sativum L. Seeds in the Remediation of Waste Water



The present work aims to investigate the potential of Coriandrum sativum L. seed as a low-cost bio-sorbent for the removal of Zn (II) ions from aqueous medium. It is available as a major waste in food flavoring industries including bakery and confectionery as well as laboratories of traditional medicines. Adsorption of Zn (II) on to Coriandrum sativum L. seed has been investigated after optimizing the experimental parameters, namely, pH, contact time, adsorbent and Zn(II) concentrations and temperature. The characterization was done with Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy for examining the possible interacting sites of the adsorbent. Important isotherm models, namely Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin--Radushkevich models have been studied. The spontaneous nature of adsorption is indicated by the observed thermodynamic parameters. The adsorption process was found to follow pseudo-first order kinetic model and also followed the intraparticle diffusion up to 50 minutes of contact time. It was found to retain 98% of the sorption capacity up to 3 cycles of adsorption and elution. Hence, the proposed method offers a very simple, low cost, effective and eco-friendly alternative methodology for waste valorization and extraction of metal ions from wastewater.


 1. Introduction
 2. Material and Methods
  2.1. Instruments and Equipments
  2.2. Preparation of Reagents and Adsorbent
  2.3. Batch Method for Adsorption Studies
 3. Results and Discussions
  3.1. Characterization of the Adsorbent (Coriander Seeds)
  3.2. Effect of Contact Time
  3.3. Effect of pH on Removal of Heavy Metal
  3.4. Effect of Temperature on the Uptake of Metal
  3.5. Effect of Initial Concentration and Adsorbent Mass
  3.6. Adsorption Isotherm Studies
  3.7. Kinetics Studies
  3.8. Thermodynamic Parameters of Adsorption
  3.9. Regeneration Studies
 4. Conclusion


  • Mohammad Asaduddin Laskar Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Syed Kashif Ali Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
  • Sana Siddiqui Department of Chemistry, Samtah College of Science and Arts, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia


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