

Broadband Internet through Home Electric Power Cable and Network of Electronic Equipments



High-speed data service is important to our national communications infrastructure, and we are pleased to introduce this leading-edge technology in maximizing the utilization of our existing high-capacity hybrid fiber/coax wire, we will be able to provide high-speed Internet access and on-line services efficiently and economically. Electric Power Corporation is a government-owned enterprise established to promote electric power resource development, to run the electric power business with efficiency and to contribute to stable growth of the national economy by ensuring a stable and economical supply of electric power. It seems equivalent to standard cable service and a little faster than standard DSL but the speed is not asynchronous, meaning we get the same speed upstream and downstream. Imagine this, we plug our modem into any power socket at home and we're instantly connected to a high speed broadband ISP. Electric power cable line or transmission lines used for communication purposes along with transmitting electrical energy. Because the power grid is already in place, the electric power cable has the obvious advantage of reducing communication infrastructure cost. However, the power grid designed optimally for power delivery (not the data). We're great on technology, but not so good on working out the rules of the road; nearly all of the industrialized nations have national plans for broadband. This comprehensive strategy can give easy internet access in urban and rural areas.


 1. Introduction
 2. A Profitable Business Model
  2.1. The Need to Complement each other
  2.2. Home Plug av 4-port Desktop Ethernet Bridge Application
  2.3. Measurements of Electric Wire Internet along the Energized Power Line
  2.4. Plugging into the Net, through the Humble Wall Outlet
 3. Benefits of a smart Grid
  3.1. The Pros
  3.2. The Cons
 4. How Broadband over Power Lines Works
  4.1. Access of Home Electric Power Wire Internet
  4.2. In-house Home Electric Power Wire Internet
 5. Issues, Challenges, Uncertainties and Drawbacks
 6. Literature Review
 7. Conclusion and Recommendations


  • Md. Safaet Hossain Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Development Alternative


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