

겨울철 고등학교 내 공기 중의 부유미생물 분포와 동정에 관한 연구


Distribution and Identification of Airborne Bacteria in the Highschool During Wintertime

이종석, 오윤석, 김도현, 문재우, 문호상, 이건형

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to check the degree ofcontamination from the activities by space andtime in the school facility where manystudents and educational personnels spend most of their time, quantity of airbornebacteria was counted by indoor air qualityprocess test method of the Ministry ofEnvironment. According to the data providedby Environmental Management Corporation,PM-10 concentration of February 23, 2015 wasthe only harmful value which causedCAI(Comprehensive Air-quality Index) to be inmuch bad degree. Comparing the numbers ofbacteria in the morning when the school lifestarts and lunch break, the increase of 55% to200% was found on the hallway, while thecommissary(cafeteria) where students used tovisit the most showed the increase of 56% to1230%. According to the result of comparison between the outcome from the sequenceanalysis of 16S rRNA gene of the randomlyselected and purely cultured bacteria and theExTaxon Database, the bacteria wereidentified as Staphylococcus epidermidis(99%),Kocuria palustris(99%), and Bacillusaryabhattai(99%).


본연구는많은학생과교직원들이대부분의시간을보내고있는학교시설을대상으로공간적, 시간적활동별로미생물학적오염도를측정하기위해환경부의실내공기질공정시험방법에의해부유세균수를측정하였다. 조사기간중기초환경조사로환경관리공단에서제공하는자료를살펴본결과2015년2월23일에측정된미세농도값을제외하고는대부분인체에해를주지않은상태였다. 2월23일의경우미세먼지로인해통합대기환경지수가매우나쁜수준으로나타났다. 학교생활을시작하는오전과점심시간의균체수를비교해보면, 복도의경우에는대조구에비해55%~200%의범주에서변화하였으며, 학생들이가장많이이용하는매점의경우에는56%~1230%의범주에서변화하였다. 측정기간중무작위로선택하여순수분리된세균을대상으로16S rRNA유전자를염기서열분석하여EzTaxon Database에비교해본결과, 우점종으로Staphylococcus epidermidis(99%), Kocuria palustris(99%), Bacillus aryabhattai(99%) 등이동정되었다.


 Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법
  2-1 대기오염도 분석
  2-2 공기 중 미생물의 포집
  3-3 공기 중 미생물의 순수배양 및 동정
 Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰
  3-1 대기오염도 분석
  3-2 부유세균의 균체수
  3-3 16S rRNA gene 염기서열 분석
 참고 문헌


  • 이종석 Lee, Jong Suk. 군산제일고등학교
  • 오윤석 Oh, Yoon Suk. 군산제일고등학교
  • 김도현 Kim, Do Youn. 군산제일고등학교
  • 문재우 Moon, Jae Woo. 군산제일고등학교
  • 문호상 Moon, Ho Sang. 군산제일고등학교
  • 이건형 Lee, Geon Hyoung. 군산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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