The purpose of this study is to analyze moral education and to discover the relations of gender role education reflected in curriculum. With the research results this study in trends to suggest the norm of gender-role education that are constructive to formation of equal gender role consciousness in the korean context.
In conclusion in order to help students to formulate their right gender role norm, moral educational curriculums should reflectively scrutinized on the basis of equal gender role norm. And based on such reexamination, Curriculum's on the gender equality should be prepared.
Also continuous efforts should be made to develop teaching method on gender role norm.
II. 성과 성역할
1. 성의 의미
2. 성역할의 의미
1) 생물학적인 의미
2) 사회학습적인 의미
3) 양성성이론의 특징과 그 한계
III. 성역할과 도덕교육
1. 역할개념의 윤리적 이해
2. 성역할과 도덕교육의 관계
IV. 중학교 도덕교과서에 나타난 성역할에 대한 분석 및 방향
1. 도덕교육과정에 나타난 성역할
2. 성역할 교육에 대한 분석 및 방향
V. 결론