


지역사회 사료 활용을 통한 도덕교육의 방법론적 개선


The Methodological Improvement of Moral Education through the Practical Use of Local Historical Data


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ths paper intends to study if the moral education could be made better through the application of historical community data.
Firstly, the meaning of 'moral' was analysed through the etymological approach, for the purpose of defining the concept of moral education. Secondly, the meaning of 'moral' was defined as the following virtues: (1) altruism or the extension of the sense of self; (2) intellectual prudence and emotional sincerity; (3) coherence, stability and depth of the choices; (4) responsibility and will to betterment. Thirdly, in searching persons suitable for the virtues through the community data, appeared in consequence the following persons: (1) Chang, Ki-Ryeo(1911- 199?), doctor; (2) Km, Ha-Deuk(1904 - 19801, educator; (3) Song, Sang-Hyeon(1550 - 1592)) Tonglai Magistrate; (4) Cho, Sik( 1501 - 1572)) scholar.
We expect that the thesis will be bettered by finding out more data of community persons.


1. 문제제기
 2. 도덕교육의 목표와 내용에 대한 비판
 3. 도덕 교육의 내용
 4. 도덕교육을 위한 지역사회의 사료활용
 5. 요약 및 결어


  • 이석재 Seok-Jae Lee. 부산대학교 사범대학 윤리교육과 교수, 사회윤리학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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