

전문경영인 일동제약 이정치 회장의 제약활동과 경영이념


A Study on the Pharmaceutical Activities and Management Ideology of CEO Lee, Jung-Chi, the Chairman of Ildong Pharmaceutical. Co. Ltd.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study of Lee, Jung-Chi, a professional CEO and Chairman of Ildong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 45 years after Chairman Lee, Jung-Chi was first employed as a regular employee of Ildong Pharmaceutical Company he was appointed the CEO of the company. Ildong Pharmaceutical Company is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Korea with a history of over 70 years. During the nine years with him as the CEO, Ildong made bold investments in R&D as well as facilities as actively carrying out global business projects. Despite the recent recession of the pharmaceutical field, Ildong is still working on med- long-term projects. Through a business strategy, so-called piggyback system, the company is taking a leap to be a total health-care group also dealing with foods, household items, health care products and IT except for the pharmaceutical business. He was born in Buyeo, Chungnam, in 1942, and he was clever and hard-working as a child. When he graduated from Eunsan Elementary School and Buyeo Middle School, he was even awarded prizes from the provincial governor of Chungnam. Afterwards, since Korea University established Anam scholarship system for the first time in Korea, he was selected as first Anam scholarship holder and was admitted to Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Korea University. After having been discharged from the military, he could not return to the school but began his career in Ildong Pharmaceutical company as one of R&D member, and his life in the pharmaceutical industry was finally begun. After he was employed, he was lucky enough to return to his graduate school of Korea University thanks to the human resources development philosophy of the founder and chairman of Ildong Pharmaceuticals, President Yoon, Yong-Ku at that time. The company offered him a full scholarship not only that, in 1976, he became a UNESCO scholarship holder and entered the international graduate university of Osaka University in Japan majored in special field of enzymology. After years of his combining work with studying, he obtained a doctorate on Food Technology at the graduate school of Korea University in 1981. Two years later, in 1983, he graduated first on the list from the business school of Korea University, and also completed KCEO at KAIST. He successfully completed all the studying to be a future executive of the company. He loved the company from the bottom of his heart and was never afraid of making new challenges and meeting new people. His passion and love for the company kept encouraging him to join the company’s people-oriented business management. He made continuously successful achievements as head chiefs of the research division, the production division, even in head chief of the construction division that was not his major. He was promoted to director, directors of the production division and business management control division, a head of the business management strategies division, an executive director and a general director of the business management support division, a vice-president of the business management support and production division, the vice-president of the board of directors, president of the representative directors, and finally in April 2011, he became the CEO of Ildong Pharmaceutical company. Every time the company fell apart, he volunteered to cope with the difficulties and successfully solved the problems. When he was an executive director and a general director of the business management support division in 1997, a subsidiary company, Maxon Electronics Co., Ltd. was so much suffering from IMF that the damage influenced Ildong,and it was the most severe crisis since the establishment. By conducting work-out, he remodeled the management structure, taking the lead in funds-raising and funds-operating. He did everything to overcome the crisis and eventually had the company get back on the rails, and the company got out of the work-out only in 3 years with all of his efforts. In the 2000’s period that he runs the company as CEO, Ildong achieved the two-digit developments every year, taking a leap to be a leader in the relevant business field. However, the company realized that it would need something more than pharmaceuticals and began to work on a so-called "piggyback systematic management diversification". At present, the company is proceeding with its projects that will lead it to the sales figure of 1 trillion KRW in five years. The company has been putting more than 6% of annual sales to the R&D, actively participating in developing new drugs, and extraordinary medicines are now helping the group sharpen its competitiveness in the world’s market. In conclusion, Chairman Lee, Jung-Chi was neither a pharmacist nor an owner of a Pharmaceutical company but succeeded as professional businessman. What has made him enjoy such a great success is his ‘Muzaki’ spirit that would never afraid of difficulties but enjoy making challenges. He always fulfilled his duties believing that he was the one and only expert in what he was assigned to and valued the harmonization of the staff members of the company as well as the respect for others. His autonomous, proactive and creative personalities eventually led him to the top of the company.


이정치 회장은 고려대학교의 안암 장학생으로 선발되어 고려대학교 농과대학 농화학과에 입학했고, 졸업 후 일동제약에 입사했으며 회사로부터 학자금 전액을 지원받아 고려대학교 대학원 농화학 전공에 복학할 수 있었다. 1976년에는 유네스코로부터 장학금을 받아 일본 오사카대학 국제대학원에서 효소학을 전공하는 등, 업무와 학업을 꾸준히 병행하며, 1981년에는 고려대학교 대학원에서 식품공학 박사학위를 취득했다. 이후, 1983년에는 고려대학교 경영대학원을 수석으로 수료하고, 훗날 KAIST에서 KCEO과정을 이수하는 등 장차 경영자로서의 소양도 꾸준히 배양했다. 70여년의 역사를 자랑하는 일동제약의 평사원으로 입사하여 45년간 근무, CEO 회장의 자리에 올랐으며 대표이사직을 수행한 9년 동안 일동제약은, 과감한 R&D투자, 시설투자, 글로벌경영 추진 등 국내 제약업계의 전반적인 침체 속에서도 중장기적 과업에 주력하고 있다. 또한, 제약 분야 이외에도 식품, 생활용품, 헬스케어, 그리고 IT에 이르기까지 소위 피기백(piggyback)시스템을 적용한 경영전략을 통해, 종합헬스케어그룹으로의 도약을 도모하고 있다. 그는 입사초기부터 연구활동은 물론, 원료구입, 품질관리 등에서 남다른 성과를 보였으며, 특히 비오비타의 유산균 배양과정에서 결정적인 역할을 하며 두각을 나타내기 시작했다. 이후 임원으로 승진, 생산담당 이사, 경영조정실 상무, 경영정책실장, 생산본부장, 전무이사 겸 경영지원본부장, 경영지원 및 생산담당 부사장, 대표이사 부사장의 요직을 거쳐 대표이사 사장, 그리고 2011년 4월, 대표이사 회장에 선임되었다. 그가 대표이사에 오른 후 매년 두 자리수의 성장을 거듭하며 위기로 주춤했던 일동제약의 재도약을 실현하였으며 의약품만으로는 성장에 한계가 있음을 절감하고 이른바 “피기백 시스템적 경영다각화”를 원용, 향후 5년 내에 연간 매출액 1조원을 달성하기 위한 야심찬 계획을 차질 없이 진행하고 있다. 매년 매출액의 6% 이상을 R&D에 투입하여 신약개발에 적극 참여하고 있으며 글로벌 경쟁력 강화에도 적극 나서고 있다. 결론적으로 이정치 회장이 약사가 아닌 비약사로서, 오너가 아닌 전문경영인으로 제약회사의 정상에 오를 수 있었던 성공비결은, 어려운 일도 두려워하지 않고 즐기는 도전정신과, 무자기(毋自欺)정신에 입각한 정도경영의 실천, 맡은 바 책임을 완수하는 전문가 이상의 실력배양, 인화와 인간존중의 경영철학이라 할 수 있다. 또한 이는 타생적 소산이 아닌 자생적․능동적 그리고 창조적인 산물이라고 결론지을 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 생애와 업적
  2.1 출생과 성장
  2.2 제약인생의 시작
 Ⅲ. 경영이념의 형성배경과 그 원천
 Ⅳ. 이정치 회장의 경영이념
  4.1 인간중심ㆍ품질경영ㆍ가치경영의 실천
  4.2 무자기 정신의 실천
  4.3 조일우 정신의 실천
  4.4 피기백 시스템적 다각화 경영의 모색
  4.5 나눔 경영의 실천
 Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론


  • 국승규 Kook, Seung-Gyu. 원광대학교 경제학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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