

신신제약 창업기업가 이영수의 경영이념과 앙트러프러너십


A Study on his Management Ideology and Entrepreneurship of Young-Soo Lee, Founder of Shinshin Pharmaceutical Co.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article studied on the management thought and ideology of Young-Soo Lee an inauguration founder of Shinshin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.. His management thought and ideology has been formed from his diligent and sincere, truthful life that had gotten from his father's personality and poor environment through his youth days in the Japanese colonial period, and extreme poor aspect of people's life after Korea War. His management thought and ideology gotten from the passionate and venturing entrepreneurship, and his experiences was realized as the establishment of Sinshin Co., thereafter created the growth and development of Shinshin Co.. His management ideology is summarized as human esteem, technology development, concentration of core competence, export orientation, building of management system by professional manager, social contribution. And corporate culture of Shinshin is summarized as human esteem, mutual confidence, creative spirit, challenge spirit, technology development, company loyalty, win-win mind, cooperation, participation etc.. This study focused on management ideology of Young-Soo Lee being alive as an enterpriser among the first generation enterprise inaugurators, and aimed on the purpose that his special and unique management ideology should be not only praised and afford as a good example model of coming generation but given to many suggestions as mirror to junior enterprisers and researchers on entrepreneurs. To summing up the management idiology and entrepreneurship of Chairman Lee, it is as follows. First, Young-Sooo Lee, chairman of Shinshin is an enterpriser that has made his own success in life. He founded Shinshin Pharmaceutical Co. by means of his indomitable challenge and pioneer spirit in accompany with his frugality, honesty, sincerity, credit, confidence, and then brought up Shinshin Co. as national enterprise by means of the developments of technology on only one sort of pasta. Also he is a creative entrepreneur and creative innovator that has banished poverty and created richness, and made a name for himself. Second, he is an enterpriser of pharmaceutical industry that has carried out the ceaseless R&D and creative management, consequently has contributed much to the national health and the promotion of people's welfare according to development of numerous fine and perfect pastas. Third, he is a practical enterpriser that has practiced the management ideology as coexistence, mutual prosperity, living together based on his management thought as like human esteem. Fourth, he is an enterpriser as expert picking up opportunities, and is CEO managing crisis, and also he is a born inauguration enterpriser with entrepreneurship and challenge spirit. Fifth, he is a representative enterpriser getting the mighty works in Korean development period of 1960∼80, therefore he is an enterpriser that needs the interdisciplinary studies in management historical side under the national feature of Korea. Sixth, he is a creative innovator that took lead in pioneer role on development of new pastas, and so he has invested an enormous sum of money in side of developing of new pastas and training of pharmaceutical research men, consequently achieved many successes in development of high-tech new medicine in the world. Seventh, he is a model entrepreneur that has realized the professional manager system as succeeding his management authority to successor CEO. Eighth, he is an enterpriser putting in practice continuously the social contributions to return company's profit to society, so has taken the initiative role for accomplishment of corporate social responsibility. Ninth, he is an pioneer type entrepreneur having built up the management ability coping with crises by methods of leading technology development and inviting top professional managers with wide experience and value. He has practiced actually management strategies for vision, creativeness, technology, justice, transparency, business ethics, social contribution in order to realize his management thought and ideology, ideal, human loving thought. In conclusion, Lee Young-Soo, an inauguration founder of Shinshin Pharmaceutical Co. is a pioneer enterpriser and an innovative entrepreneur, creative innovator.


본 연구는 1959년 9월 창업하여 50년 동안 파스와 반창고 등 외용제 의약품 한 분야에 ‘한 우물 파기’ 전략으로 매진해 온 ‘외곬기업’ 신신(新信)제약의 창업주 이영수의 경영이념과 앙트러프러너십(기업활동), 신신제약의 기업문화의 특징에 대해 고찰한 논문이다. 신신제약을 창업하여 현재 파스류 한 제품만으로 800만 달러를 수출하는 기업, 글로벌 ‘파스의 名家’ 기업로 성장시킨 창업기업가 이영수의 경영사상 및 경영정신은 ‘인간존중주의, 기술제일주의, 핵심역량집중주의, 수출지향주의, 전문경영주의, 사회공헌주의’ 여섯 개로 도출되었고, 이들은 ‘創意益新, 인간존중․인간중심, 3신풍(신바람 新風, 신뢰 信風, 신들린 神風) 경영’이란 세 가지의 경영이념으로 응집․정립되어서 신신제약 50년 발전사를 일관해 왔다. 이 세 가지 경영이념은 바로 신신제약의 경영관리 및 지도의 원칙과 경영방침이 되어 왔으며, 목표지향적 실천방침이 되어 왔다. 또한, 이런 경영이념은 이영수의 경영과 기업가 활동을 통해서 신신제약의 조직문화로 정착되었다. 인간존중, 신기술 개발, ‘한 우물 파기’란 선택과 집중, 수출지향, 전문경영인체제 구축, 사원 복지향상과 사회공헌 등의 경영전략을 실행하여 비전경영․지속성장경영․가치창조경영․기술경영을 실현해 왔고, 정도경영․신뢰경영․사회공헌경영이란 경영활동으로 자연스럽게 실현됨으로써 인간존중, 상호신뢰, 창조정신․도전정신, 기술개발, 전문경영인체제, 애사심, 상생․자율․참여란 신신제약의 기업문화로 정착되는 성과를 가져왔다. 이영수는 솔선수범형, 친화적․창의적 의사소통형 리더십을 실천한 진정한 전문경영인이며, 기업의 사회적 책임과 사회공헌의 사명을 다해 온 존경받는 기업가이다. 그리고 도전과 개척정신으로 대표되는 ‘Candoism’을 구현한 ‘창업기업가’이며, 영국의 청교도 개척정신인 ‘요만니(Yeomany) 정신’의 소유자이다. 그는 Marshall이 말하는 ‘개척자적 기업가’이며, Schumpeter가 지적한 ‘혁신적 기업가’이면서 Baron과 Shane이 주장하는 ‘창조적 혁신가(creative innovator)’이다. 그는 이노베이터이며, 혁신의 기회를 창조하고 개발하고 활용하는 능력이 탁월한 ‘혁신가적․창조적 앙트르프러너’이다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 이영수의 경영이념
  2.1 경영이념의 개요
  2.2 이영수의 경영이념
 Ⅲ. 창업기업가 이영수의 앙트러프러너십(기업가 활동)
  3.1 기업가와 앙트러프러너십의 개념
  3.2 앙트러프러너십의 내용과 기능
  3.3 이영수의 앙트러프러너십
 Ⅳ. 신신제약의 기업문화
  4.1 기업문화의 의미
  4.2 신신제약의 기업문화
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이광로 Lee, Kwang-Ro. 건국대 경영학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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