

번역의 은유화-개념은유를 통해 살펴 본 번역


Metaphorization of Translation - Translation Through Conceptual Metaphors


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to investigate metaphors employed by traslation theorists to discuss translation, by drawing on the theoretical building blocks of conceptual metaphors advocated by Lakoff & Johnson (1980). Lakoff & Johnson argue that metaphors are mental mechanisms through which our physical and social experiences provide understanding of other subjects. The current study has come up with 8 prominent metaphors utilized by translation theorists throughout history. They are TRANSLATION IS MOVING SOMETHING, TRANSLATION IS CLOTHING & PAINTING, TRANSLATION IS A CONQUEST, DETHRONING OF THE SOURCE TEXT, TRANSLATION IS A LIVING THING, TRANSLATION IS A WOMAN, and TRANSLATION IS CROSS-FERTILIZATION. These different metaphors allow us to gain a better insight and understanding of what we call translation. At the same time, the evolution of these translation metaphors illustrates the trajectory of dominant issues and concerns discussed in the research of translation. This study concludes with the speculation that the advancement of technology and globalization in the practice of translation might bring forth fresh metaphors for translation in the future.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 개념 은유
  2.2. 은유와 번역
 3. 번역에 대한 개념 은유
  3.1. 번역은 ‘저기’에 있는 것을 ‘여기’로 옮기는 것이다.
  3.2. 번역은 옷갈아 입히기(clothing), 그림그리기(painting)이다.
  3.3. 번역은 정복이다
  3.4. 원천텍스트의 퇴위(dethroning of the Source Text)
  3.5. 번역은 살아있는 유기체이다.
  3.6. 번역은 굴절(refraction), 다시쓰기(rewriting)이다.
  3.7. 번역은 여성이다.
  3.8. 번역은 이종교배(cross-fertilization)이다
 4. 결론


  • 김영신 Kim, Young-Shin. 안양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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