

Effects of Intertextual and Reflective-Strategies Reading-Based Writing Instruction : Focusing on Five Evaluative Areas


Min-Joo Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reading-based writing instruction in the following five components of evaluation: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. The instruction incorporates intertextuality (I) in reading and reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback (RRF) on the writing performance of Korean undergraduate students enrolled in English classes for General Purposes (EGP) course. The study examined the writing performance of 102 EFL Korean college students’ for 16 weeks in relation to three forms of reading-based instruction: (1) no intertextuality and no reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback (control group); (2) no intertextuality, but reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback (RRF group); (3) both intertextuality and reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback (IRRF group). The results revealed that IRRF improved vocabulary and punctuation, while content and organization in the writing students who participated in this study produced improved only with the application of reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback, no need for additional intertextuality. Grammar improved in both the RRF and IRRF groups. When considering the IRRF group only, content and organization showed greater improvement than grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. The findings provide pedagogical implications for EFL classrooms.


 I. Introduction
 II. Materials and Methods
  2.1 Participants
  2.2 Procedures
  2.3 Writing measures
 III. Results & Discussion
 V. Conclusion
  5.1 Implications
  5.2 Limitations and Suggestions
 Works Cited


  • Min-Joo Kim 김민주. Daegu University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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