

도시한옥의 적응적 재생 모델시안 연구 - 청주 서운동의 노인계층을 위한 모델링 사례를 통하여 -


The Tentative Plans of Adaptive Reuse of Korean Traditional Houses (Han ok) in Urban Area : Focusing on the Elderly Housing in Seoun-dong, Cheongju

김태영, 김은정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When the castle of the city was destructed from 1911 through 1915 in Cheongju, the city’s spatial structure was reorganized and “Han-ok Housing", a dwelling site filled with Korean traditional houses, was newly formed around the former castle site. These days, the Han-ok housing in Seoun-dong, Cheongju in which elderly couples and senior citizens live is enclosed by modernized roads and three or four-story buildings, leaving the housing as an isolated island in the city block. Nonetheless, the Han-ok housing not only plays an important role in sustaining the historic and local identity of the city, but also offers environmental benefits in terms of daylighting and ventilation. The purpose of this study is to reorganize the housing suitable for those who currently live and recreate it by adding new functionality. Consequently, three strategies are established; the conservation of existing building through the improvement of existing facilities; the conversion of vacant buildings into a new use; and the creation of the urban mid-rise Han-ok housing at street sides. The first strategy has a significance in that the traditional building’s single wing plan, small room sizes and lack of storages now cause great inconvenience for current life style. The second strategy also promotes the practical use of abandoned buildings through alterations and additions. Finally, the creation of the urban mid-rise Han-ok housing that is accomplished by the combination of reinforced concrete and wooden structure interacts with or respond to the city's development. As a result, this study for the adaptive reuse of Han-ok housing proves how the traditional properties can be maintained in a careful manner and how its creative reuse can be achieved.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 대상 및 방법
 2. 대상지의 현황분석
  2.1 대상지의 현황
  2.2 가로 및 필지 체계
  2.3 거주자 및 건축 현황
 3. 도시한옥의 재생모델 시안
  3.1 기존 한옥의 보존 모델시안(36-6번지)
  3.2 노인 중심의 한옥 전용 모델시안 (36-7번지)
  3.3 노인 중심의 도시형 생활한옥 모델시안(35-5번지)
 4. 모델시안별 건축계획상의 특징
  4.1 실 기능적 측면
  4.2 형태 및 구조적 측면
  4.3 환경설비적 측면
 5. 결론


  • 김태영 Kim, Tai Young. 청주대 건축학과 교수
  • 김은정 Kim, Eun Jeong. 바틀렛 건축계획 대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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