

일본의 지역친화형 노인복지시설 사례를 통해서 본 노인요양공동생활가정의 계획 방향


Review of Planning on the Congregate Nursing Homes Based on the Case Study for the Local Friendly Elderly Welfare Facilities in Japan

박정아, 김선태

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to explore the best examples from Japan to derive spatial and institutional characteristics. This study used the field survey method for 6 elderly welfare facilities in Japan. The characteristics of local friendly facility are as follows; First of all, since elderly care facilities in South Korea are separated from local community and facility plans are large-scaled and unified which are disconnected from local area, this research set aging in community, multi-function, diversity, and intergeneration into the concept that is necessary for local friendly facilities. Secondly, residential environment plan’s basic directions are 1) plan that minimizes facilities-like atmosphere, 2) spatial plan that focuses on the elderly dignity and privacy, 3) comfortable and enjoyable communal living space plan, 4) local friendly and communicating plan, 5)plan that minimizes staff’s care giving burden. Thirdly, the rooms necessary for local friendly facility model are composed of bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room, garden, toilet, laundry room, bathroom, corridor, and office based on the legal installation standards.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 문헌고찰
  2.1 지역친화형 시섣에 필요한 기본개념
  2.2 선행연구고찰
 3. 조사결과 빚 고찰
  3.1 시섣운영 및 일반사항
  3.2 지역과 친화되는 염란 시설의 계획요점
  3.3 가정적인 분위기를 창출하는 계획요점
  3.4 거주노인과 수발직원을 고려한 공간별 계획 요점
 4. 결론
  4.1 지역과 친화되는 열린 시설을 위한 재연
  4.2 가정적인 분위기를 창출을 위한 제언
  4.3 거주노인과 수발직원을 고려한 공간별 계획 측면


  • 박정아 Park, Jung-a. 정회원, 원굉대학교 사범대 가정교육과 조교수, 이학박사
  • 김선태 Kim, Sun-Tae. 정회원, 생환흰정디자인 연구소, 수석연구원, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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