

A Design of the Cloud Aggregator on the MapReduce in the Multi Cloud



The emergence of cloud has been able to provide a variety of IT service to the user. As organizations and companies are increased that provide these cloud service, many problems arises on integration. However, with the advent of latest technologies such as big data, document-oriented database, and MapReduce, this problem can be easily solved. This paper is intended to design the Cloud Aggregator to provide them as a service to collect information of the cloud system providing each service. To do this, we use the DBaaS(DataBase as a Service) and MapReduce techniques. This makes it possible to maintain the functionality of existing system and correct the problem that may occur depending on the combination.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research
 3. Cloud Aggregator(CA)
  3.1 DBaaS(DataBase as a Service)
  3.2 SaaS(Software as a Service)
  3.3 MapReduce Manager(MRM)
 4. Application and Evaluation Practices
 5. Conclusion


  • Chigon Hwang Dept. of Internet Information, Kyungmin College, Korea
  • Hyoyoung Shin Dept. of IT Security, Kyungbok University, Namyangju, Korea
  • Jong-Yong Lee Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 20 Kwangwoon-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-701, korea
  • Kye-Dong Jung Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, 20 Kwangwoon-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-701, korea


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