

A study of keep the Secret information of Random Sized Images from using Indestructible Security



Japanese students who study Korean as a foreign language have an advantage in learning Korean compared to other students because of their similarities of Korean and Japanese. But even Japanese students have difficulties in learning Korean passive form.Korean passive form and Japanese passive form have differences in meaning and usages as well as similarities. Both Korean and Japanese have passive form as a counterpart of active form. But there are differences in usages of Korean passive form and Japanese passive form in some ways. In meanings, Korean passive form represents the actions completed and the actions done by someone. And Japanese passive form represents receiving the actions and the actions done by someone. Some of Japanese passive forms expresses the meanings of possibilities and respects according to the meanings of verbs. Korean passive form mainly represents the actions completed and Japanese passive form mainly explains the performers and the action done by them. So Korean passive forms connects with ‘-아/어 있다’ frequently and Japanese passive forms connects with ‘-てしまう’ frequently. In usages, there are some Japanese intransitive verbs which are expressed in passive way in Korean. In the other way, there are some Korean transitive verbs which are expressed in passive way in Japanese also. Therefore some of Korean passive forms could be translated into intransitive verbs of Japanese to present same meaning. In the other way, some of Japanese passive forms could be translated into transitive verbs of Korean to present same meaning. For the effective teaching of Korean passive form, we should approach the method of teaching the passive forms with the understanding of differences of Korean and Japanese passive forms.




  • Seon-mi Woo JINI Co., Ltd, B-102, Technobill, 109 banryong-road, Deokjin gu, Jeonju, Chon Buk, Korea
  • Malrey Lee Center for Advanced Image and Information Technology, School of Electronics & Information Engineering, Chon Buk National University
  • Hyang Ran Lee Center for Advanced Image and Information Technology, School of Electronics & Information Engineering, Chon Buk National University


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