

The Comparison of Performance Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wide Area Sensor Field



Studies have been made for the wireless sensor network protocols by a number of researchers to date. In particular, the studies as to the hierarchical protocol LEACH algorithm was concentrated. Various studies have been derived for the performance of the protocol is based on the LEACH protocol have been made. Improved algorithms have been proposed continuously. On the other hand, The performance comparison and evaluation of the improved algorithm is insufficient. Therefore, we compared the performance for the ML-LEACH (Multi Hop-Layered) and DL-LEACH (Dual Hop-Layered) been derived mainly LEACH. scalability, energy consumption, CH elected, network lifetime were selected as a Performance evaluation items.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Researches
  2.1 LEACH Routing Protocol
  2.2 Multi Hop-Layered Leach Routing Protocol
  2.3 Dual Hop-Layered Leach Routing Protocol
 3. Performance criteria and evaluation
  3.1. Item Definition Performance
  3.2. Comparison of the performance evaluation items
 4. Conclusion


  • SeaYoung Park Department of Information System Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Information Contents, Seoul, Korea
  • KyeDong Jung Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jong-Yong Lee Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea


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