

Per-transaction Shared Key Scheme to Improve Security on Smart Payment System




Several authentication methods have been developed to make use of tokens in the mobile networks and smart payment systems. Token used in smart payment system is genearated in place of Primary Account Number. The use of token in each payment transaction is advantageous because the token authentication prevents enemy from intercepting credit card number over the network. Existing token authentication methods work together with the cryptogram, which is computed using the shared key that is provisioned by the token service provider. Long lifetime and repeated use of shared key cause potential brawback related to its vulnerability against the brute-force attack. This paper proposes a per-transaction shared key mechanism, where the per-transaction key is agreed between the mobile device and token service provider for each smart payment transaction. From server viewpoint, per-transaction key list is easy to handle because the per-transaction key has short lifetime below a couple of seconds and the server does not need to maintain the state for the mobile device. We analyze the optimum size of the per-transaction shared key which satisfy the requirements for transaction latency and security strength for secure payment transactions.


 1. Introduction
 2. Token Authentication in Mobile Networks and Smart Payment System
  2.1 User and Network Authentication in UMTS Mobile Networks
  2.2 Token Authentication in Existing Smart Payment Systems
  2.3 Difference of Tokens Used in UMTS and Smart Payment System
 3. Proposed Per-transaction Shared Key Scheme in the Smart Payment System
  3.1 Use of the Per-transaction key list
  3.2 Token and Ks Provisioning
  3.3 Per-transaction Shared Key Exchange
 4. Performance Analysis for the Proposed System
  4.1 Security Comparison
  4.2 Transaction Latency and Security Strength
 5. Conclusion


  • Fawad Ahmad School of Information, Communications and Electronics Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Younchan Jung School of Information, Communications and Electronics Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea


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