

Data Transfer among Urology Research Centers in Universities of Medical Sciences



This paper studies Health Information System (HIS) for administrative automation by the use of library and internet resources .The Goal is to identify valid urology research centers in the country so that scientific communications be increased; indeed idea exchange, technology and up-to-date urology knowledge be achieved .Thus, we will be able to promote the science level and to search novel diagnostic methods and to treat urology diseases especially kidney disease. There have been some collaborations with executive-research centers in the country in order to do some researches in urology field of study [1]. The method applied here is making use of different data transfer styles to clarify which one is suitable for urology research centers. Finally, it can be declared as conclusion that an available health information system brings a better decision making in the treatment processes and develops therapeutic results. The contribution of this study is significant when management of Information is on the focus in health systems.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. History
 2. Methods
  1.2. Health Information System
  2.2. General Structure of Information System
  3.2. Administrative Automation
  4.2. System Boundary
  5.2. System Operators
  6.2. Transfer Criteria
 3. Results
  1.3. HL7 and Its Role on Health Information System
  2.3. Organizational Strategy HL7
 4. Discussion
  1.4. Resources Specification:
  2.4. Cost Estimation Method:
  3.4. Administrative Criteria:
  4.4. HIS Merits in Hospital Processes
 5. Conclusions


  • Abdolhossein Ayoubi M.Sc of Medical Informatics Technology, Biomedical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran , Iran
  • Mohammad Sadegh Sanie MD in Anesthesia and critical care, Assistant Professor at Jahrom University of Medical Sciences
  • Moharram Kazemi M.Sc of Medical Informatics Technology, Biomedical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran , Iran
  • Saman Sobh Heydari M.Sc of Medical Informatics Technology, Biomedical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran , Iran


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