

특수목적영어로서 해양플랜트영어코퍼스 구축 및 활용


A Compilation of an Offshore English Corpus as English for Specific Purposes

장세은, 이성민, 이수상, 최재호, 오진석, 이명호, 김재훈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to compile an Offshore English corpus as English for specific purposes and develop an online web concordance program for learners of Offshore English. The Offshore English Corpus(OEC) was comprised of one hundred million words. It includes four major genres such as academy, news, law, training and consulting texts to represent this field. In order to compile the OEC, we consulted with some experts of academic and industry fields in offshore industry. For building the large corpus, we used natural language processing tools such as Python tool kits and created customized Python programs to automatically extract a lot of texts from various Web sites and PDF files. Unnecessary symbols and characters are eliminated through filtering process. Along with the Python program, we used free softwares such as Wget for crawling texts from various Web sites and nPDF for extracting only texts. After building the OEC, we developed an online web concordance program with which learners of Offshore English can search for collocations, genres, and concordances. This study will be expected to contribute not only to Offshore English education but also to other ESP education fields.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구
  2.1. ESP 코퍼스 관련 연구
  2.2. 코퍼스 활용 웹 프로그램
 3. 코퍼스 설계과정 및 구축방법
  3.1. 해양플랜트영어코퍼스 설계
  3.2. 해양플랜트영어코퍼스 구축방법
 4. 특수목적영어 학습방법 및 도구 활용
  4.1. 코퍼스 기반 웹 자료중심 학습 방법
  4.2. 특수목적영어 교육에서의 웹 프로그램의 활용
  4.3. 자료중심 DDL 학습모델
 5. 결론


  • 장세은 Se-Eun Jhang. 한국해양대학교
  • 이성민 Sung-Min Lee. 한국해양대학교
  • 이수상 Soo-Sang Lee. 부산대학교
  • 최재호 Jae-Ho Choi. 상명대학교
  • 오진석 Jin-Seok Oh. 한국해양대학교
  • 이명호 Myoung-Ho Lee. 한국해양대학교
  • 김재훈 Jae-Hoon Kim. 한국해양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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