Flipped Learning and Printed Material Learning for a College English Instruction Model
Flipped classroom learning has stirred up great resonance both in domestic and foreign universities, and in other educational institutions as well, throughout the world. The central axis of learning has been shifted from teacher-centered teaching to student-centered learning; from surface thought to deeper thought: thus, the learners actively participate in the learning process. This paper suggests college English be taught following the principles of the transformed flipped learning-teaching skills. When a teacher utilizes printed learning material in a flipped classroom, there are effects as follows: first, students improve self-directed learning capability; second, there is more interaction between teacher and learner; third, students through learner experience-centered learning process attain deeper comprehension of their material; fourth, students expand their metacognition through feedback with their teacher or fellow students. This paper demonstrates that flipped learning develops student's learning capability in class. It is necessary that teachers should deal with learning and teaching problems, not from teachers’ points of view but students’. This study suggests that teaching should be students-centered: that is, the flipped classroom model is one of the significant skills to that effect.
II. 선행연구 및 플립러닝 이론
1. 선행연구
2. 플립러닝 이론
III. 학습유인물의 구성
1. 학습목표
2. 단원의 중심내용의 이해
3. 단어와 문법노트
4. 단원별 피드백
5. 결론과 차기 단원 예시
IV. 학습유인물이 학생들의 학습에 미친 영향
1. 학습자의 유인물에 대한 만족도
2. 학습자의 학습유인물 활용과 학습한 시간
3. 학습장소와 학습유인물의 장단점
4. 학습유인물의 이해력 및 학습의 우선순위 등
V. 나오는 말