

The Influence of a Study Abroad Teacher Training Program on the Language Development of Korean Teachers of English


Yoonhee Choe

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates the effects of a four-week study abroad teacher training program for Korean teachers of English for their language development. To assess linguistic development, pretest and posttest listening, reading, grammar, speaking, and writing were assessed. The participants completed self-assessment questionnaires that asked them to assess the extent to which their language had improved after the program. The participants’ daily journal entries were collected and some of the participants were interviewed to examine their perceptions of their language development. The pretest and posttest scores were compared with a MANOVA and follow-up ANOVA tests. The results showed that, except for their reading scores, their skills had significantly improved. On the selfassessment questionnaire, most participants considered a few items as improved after the program, and a few believed that their listening and speaking skills had declined after they experienced communicative failures during the study abroad. This study provides significant insight into the implementation of English teacher training programs, how they can be improved, and their extension to other types of foreign language teachers.


 Literature Review
  Foreign Language Teachers’ Language Development in Study Abroad Teacher Training Programs
  Measures of Foreign Language Development: Formal Assessments and Self-Assessments
  Participants and the Program
  Data Collection
  Data Analysis
 Results and Discussion
  Language Development Assessed by the Formal Assessments
  Self-assessments of Language Development
  Increased awareness of linguistic differences
  Increased awareness of stress and intonation differences
  Increased awareness of pragmatic differences
  Increased awareness of phonemic and morphological differences
 The Author


  • Yoonhee Choe Chongshin University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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