

Evaluation of Emergency Management Capability in Chinese College Based on CMM Model


Hao Yu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Emergencies occur in colleges from time to time in recent years, which disturbs teaching and campus life seriously and causes pressure to students and teachers’ mind and hurt of their life. With emergencies happening frequently, it is the need of social development and also the need of maintaining the development and stability of higher education to constantly improve emergency management capability and to prevent and deal with the emergencies scientifically and efficiently. Emergency management capability decides the response level of a university when they emergencies happen. The improvement of the capacity is a process step by step with many stages for different stage requires different capability. This paper constructs the maturity model and evaluation index system of emergency management capability according to CMM and examines it with real data of a university in Henan Province. Result shows that the level of emergency management capability of the university is initial. Correspond with the university’s situation, the result is accurate and reliable and is able to provide reference for finding questions in the process of emergency management, reducing the risk of emergency and improving emergency management capability.


 Basic theory of college emergency management capability maturity model
 Construction of CMM
  Index system of CMM
  Construction of CMM evaluation collection
  Construction of CMM dimension collection
 Empirical Analysis


  • Hao Yu School of Emergency Management, Henan Polytechnic University, China, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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