

창문을 통해 「자매」 들여다보기


Peering through the Window at “The Sisters”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper peers through the window at “The Sisters” to explore what the title means and how the young boy’s relationship with Father Flynn develops, keeping in mind the story’s functions as a prelude to the entire collection of James Joyce's Dubliners. The title seems at odds with the relationship between the boy and the priest, which stands out as a memorable feature of the story. However, the boy’s gaze up to the window is significant in that the boy’s narration draws the reader’s attention towards the revealing of the secret at the window in the same way “The Sisters” serves as a window to the general paralysis of Dubliners. Joyce’s narrative technique interrelates with the thematic concerns as the window motifs manifest the paralysis theme. “The Sisters” deploys the general theme of paralysis by employing a boy’s memory, combining the “main” male narration with the “marginal” female narration. As Joyce subtly reveals the deadly secret of paralysis screened from the boy’s ears, he succeeds in keeping the reader’s attention until the end, at which point the sisters offer an epiphany. The window motif acts on two levels regarding the first-person narrative. The boy undergoes a process of initiation as a hero and, as a story-teller, he shares the writer’s own concern with storytelling. The balance is maintained between two pairs, male and female, while there is also a parallel to the way the title and the story interact. “The Sisters” is placed before and after the story of the dead priest, so that the narrative form takes precedence over content on this border. In that way, the reader’s attention returns to “The Sisters” as a gnomon.


I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. 「자매」라는 제목의 의미
  2. 「자매」의 소년과 신부의 관계 및 신부의 죽음
  3. 「자매」의 􋺷더블린 사람들􋺸 도입부 역할
 III. 결론


  • 손승희 Seunghee Sone. 안양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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