Sink holes material damage and mental harm analysis and risk assessment studies - Focusing on the incidents surrounding the construction site -
Recent News patrons of incidents can be called sinkhole that occurred one after another (Sink Hole). Due to this anytime, anywhere I do not know how the land is turned off worry and anxiety is the reason why you can never be dismissed as exaggerated. As we have seen today through the video, the vehicle was traveling on a road or pedestrian who was walking down the street they look out of the basement of a sudden they still come to mind vividly. Here, examples and corresponding measures to prevent the sinkhole off the ground, including the causes and impact on society because of this that occurred, and policy measures and abroad are evaluated with respect to what it is.
2. 용어의 분류(땅꺼짐의 형태별)
3. 지반침하(땅 꺼짐)의 발생 원인
3.1. 개요
3.2 싱크홀(Sink Hole) 발생원인
3.3 최근에 발생하는 지반침하 발생 메
4 지반침하(땅꺼짐)가 사람의 행동용인에불안감 조성으로 미치는 영향
5 지반침하(땅꺼짐)가 사회에 미치는 영향
6. 지반침하(땅꺼짐) 해외사례
7 지반침하(땅 꺼짐)의 발생 현황
7.1 지역별 발생현황(최근 3년간 전국 싱크홀발생현황)
7.2 서울지역 발생현황 : 2008년~ 2014년8월
7.3. 서울 전지역 지반침하(땅 꺼짐)의 발생현황
8. 국내 지반침하(땅 꺼짐)의 특징 및대응방안
8.1 특징
8.2 대응방안(정책적 방안)
8.3 추후 지속적인 대응 방향
9. 결론
10. References
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