Ecological Life and Place, Mt. Jirisan
This era that science and technology dominate is an era of the homeland loss, an era of the residence loss, an era of the place loss. That is because everything that exists are in a situation to offer their energy as one ‘parts’. So everything that exists are not in their original place. This situation was due to the Western representational thought. That is because the representational thought of features of ‘desire’ want to dominate all beings by standing in front of everything that exists. That is because the representational thought can lose the uniqueness of everything that exists. If so, what is required of us in these times? It is to give up the representational thought and desire, and it is that human live intimately with all the things through detachment. By the way at this time the ecological life appears to us. Of course, the ecological life as natural friendly life is to living in a place. But what is the place? The place as collecting everything that exists means a place where everything that exists are uniquely revealing of themselves. But this place is a homeland immediately. That is because the homeland as place that humans living is a place where human and all things of non-human is living by reveal their own unique look. However, there may be Mt. Jirisan this place? There may be a place. That is because Mt. Jirsan is a place where the nature is manifest, Mt. Jirisan is a place where the ‘everywhere-world’ is revealing itself, Mt. Jirisan is a place where everything that exists reveals their appearance without losing their uniqueness in the ‘place of the meeting (everywhere-world)’. And that is because Mt. Jirisan is a place where humans want to live, a place where humans want to climb at least once. In fact, that is because Mt. Jirisan is a mountain where the Joseon Dynasty scholar want to climbing, Mt. Jirisan is a birthplace of feng-shui of South Korea and a mountain that boasts a variety of mountain village-landscapes through its feng-shui, and Mt. Jirisan is a mountain which care the chunghakdong(an ideal place). However, such a place, that is, Mt. Jirisan is one of the places. If so, Mt. Jirisan will be a place such as homeland where humans are resident, and Mt. Jirisan will be the perfect place to enjoy an ecological life.
현 시대의 인간은 ‘고향상실’, ‘장소상실’의 시대에 살고 있다. 이것은 존재하는 모든것을 ‘요리조리’하여 고유하게 있지 못하게 하는 ‘표상적 사유’ 방식 때문에 나타난 것이다. 그래서 우리는 표상적 사유방식을 벗어던질 때, 하나의 장소인 고향에서 생태적인삶을 살 수 있다. 이때 우리에게 필요한 것은 ‘초연함’이라는 인간의 근본태도이다. 초연함은 표상적 사유를 떠나 존재하는 모든 것이 자신의 고유함을 잃지 않은 채 서로 놀이하는 ‘회역’ 내지는 ‘사방-세계’, 즉 고향과 같은 장소 속에 체류하는 것이기 때문이다. 그런데 지리산은 존재하는 모든 것이 상생하는 장소, 즉 고향이다. 따라서 지리산은 생태적 삶의 장소일 수 있다.
Ⅰ. 시작하는 말
Ⅱ. 고향상실의 원인과 그 원인으로부터 벗어남 : ‘표상적사유’에서 ‘초연함’으로
Ⅲ. 생태적 삶과 장소, 그리고 고향
Ⅳ. 생태적 삶의 장소로서의 지리산
Ⅴ. 맺는 말