


고려시대 八關會를 통한 국제교류


International Exchanges through Palkwanhoe in the Goryeo Dynasty

고려시대 팔관회를 통한 국제교류


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Joha (朝賀) conducted at Palkwanhoe in Goryeo was a highly sophisticated ceremony converted from the acceptance of offerings to the King and trade goods based on the mutual interest between the Goryeo royal family and foreign traders. A routine Joha ceremony conducted by foreigners at Goryeo Palkwanhoe was the official way for the trading of goods and socio-cultural exchanges with foreign countries and peoples in East Asia. The music performance held at Goryeo Palkwanhoe showed the King’s authority and confirmed the hierarchy between sovereigns and subjects. This was done by the King’s viewing the performance with subjects who were from Gaekyeong and local areas. The socio-cultural exchanges of Goryeo, neighboring countries and other peoples were evident during performances by musicians, their instruments as well as the music itself. Particularly in Sandaejabguk (山臺雜劇) held at Gujeong (毬庭), it was possible to recognize foreign performers accompanied by a trade delegation participating in Sandaejabguk at Palkwanhoe. This would be conducted by various performers from Song and other neighboring countries. There was a wide exchange of songs and dances and Japi (雜戱) human exchange of the performers between Goryeo and its neighboring countries.


고려 팔관회에서 행해진 조하(朝賀)의식은 고려 왕실과 외국상인간 양자의 이해관계에 따라 진헌(進獻)과 교역품 인정이 고도로 세련된 의전으로 변환된 것이었다. 외국인조하의식이 상례화(常例化)되었던 것은, 동아시아 여러나라와 종족들 사이에 물자를 교역하고 사회문화적인 교류를 나눌 공식적인 기회가 마련된 것이었다. 고려 팔관회의 음악공연은 국내적으로는 개경은 물론 지방의 신하들과 함께 이를 관람함으로써 국왕의 권위를 과시하고 위계질서를 확인하기 위한 것이었다. 또한 주변국의음악연주를 통해서 고려와 여러 민족간 음악은 물론이고 연주자·악기 등 사회·문화적인교류까지도 충분히 짐작해볼 수 있었다. 특히, 구정(毬庭)의 공연 가운데 산대잡극(山臺 雜劇)에 송나라 등 주변국의 기예자(技藝者)가 참여하였던 것은 가무(歌舞)·잡희(雜戱) 의 교류뿐 아니라 해당 기예자들의 인적 교류까지도 짐작해볼 수 있었다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 외국인 朝賀와 物産의 교역
 Ⅲ. 毬庭공연과 사회·문화적 교류
 Ⅳ. 맺는말


  • 이중효 Lee, Choong-hyo. 한려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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