

<특집> 동북아지역 문화정책과 방향성

다니자키 준이치로문학과 이상문학 비교연구1


A Comparative Study 1 on Tanizaki Junichiro Literature and Lee Sang Literature


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper compared and reviewed Tanizaki Junichiro literature and Lee Sang literature with a focus on three topics of ‘complex’, ‘succubism’, and ‘longing for modernization’. As esthetic writer and surreal psychological writer, writer from the ruling country and writer from the ruled country, writer who lived long while earning favorable reviews by the literary world and writer who died young while being despised by the public, two writers are seen as writers from the remote worlds not to be compared with each other at first glance. However, the above three patterns shown in the works of two writers can be said to be the commonalities of their literature. First, ‘complex’ resulted from the appearance inferiority in the case of Tanizaki and was caused by gynophobia in childhood in the case of Lee Sang. Second, ‘succubism’ was associated with two writers’ common experience of maternity love of in childhood, that is, an Oedipus complex. And finally, in the case of ‘longing for modernization’, it was found that an Edo native Tanizaki and Lee Sang reflected the desire for modernization in their works in westernized Tokyo at that time and Gyeongseong in 1930s being capitalized during the Japanese colonial period, respectively.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 본론
  제1장. 콤플렉스의 문학
  제2장. 스쿠비즘의 문학
  제3장. 근대화에의 동경
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김상원 Kim, Sang-Won. 경기대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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