

컴퓨터 게임을 위한 음악 기호의 변화에 강인한 악보인식 시스템


The Music Score Recognition System of the Robust Music Symbols Distortion for Computer Games

이기웅, 손채봉

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Introduce the score-recognition method. E.g The note, beat and other symbols for the play music. Usually, the score-recognition is using the template matching or statistical model. This paper suggest the new method that is using the template matching and feature of pixel pattern for computer games. Typically, the morphology of general music symbol are independent on the change of font. For instance the head and line of note, staccato, crescendo, decrescendo and so on. But some music symbol aren’t keep their morphology. For instance the beat of the note, chord and beam note. This paper applying the template matching at the general music symbol and applying the feature of pixel pattern analysis method at the some music symbol. So this paper can get great accuracy of score-recognition. This paper can recognize the Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth and Sixteenth note and rest, Seminote, Staccato, Crescendo, Decrescendo, Key signature and Clef


 1. 서론
 2. 기존의 악보 인식 방법
  2.1 선 추적과 템플릿 매칭을 이용한 악보 인식 기술
  2.2 신경망을 이용한 기법
 3. 제안하는 악보 검출 방법
  3.1 악보 영상 전처리
  3.2 오선 검출 단계
  3.3 객체 검출 단계
 4. 제안하는 악보 인식 방법
  4.1 음표 인식
  4.2 비 음표 인식 단계
  4.3 Music XML
 5. 시뮬레이션 결과본
 6. 결론
 감사의 글


  • 이기웅 Ki-Woong Lee. 삼성전자소프트웨어멤버십 S/W개발자
  • 손채봉 Chae-Bong Sohn. 광운대학교 정보통신처 처장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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