

A Comparative Study on Participatory Budgeting


Sung-Il Yoon, Dong-Wan Lim, Si-Kyung Seong

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Participatory budgeting has been spreading in many regions around the world since its adoption. This study is a comparative study utilizing a normative approaches to participatory budgeting as Goldfrank interpreted political contexts connecting with the adoption and development of participatory budgeting. Radical democracy approach and the liberal approach with a positive stance on the adoption of participatory budgeting are analyzed by comparing cases Porte Alegre, Lichtenberg, Chicago City & New York City and Korean local governments According to the radical democracy approach, participatory budgeting is designed to achieve the goal of democratization. With radical democratic approach, the scope of participation extends to broaden the participation of the disadvantaged citizens and to promote citizens' participation in the whole of the budget process, as much as possible and to take advantage of a wide range of intensive and extensive participation. Eventually the local council is likely to lead to conflict of rights. Participatory budgeting by the Liberals has been suggested as a program of government reform, which determined the scope of participation in the direction of ensuring the participation of various members but limited time of participation and scope of the budget. Various methods of citizens' participation in the budget process are established in the participatory budgeting, but they appear limited, especially with the cooperative relationship between local council in the liberal perspective.


 I. Introduction
 II. Participatory Budgeting and Normative Approaches
  1. Participatory Budgeting
  2. Normative Approaches to the Adoption of Participatory Budgeting
 III. Cases of Participatory Budgeting
  1. Porto Alegre of Brazil
  2. Berlin-Lichtenberg of Germany
  3. Chicago City and New York City of United States
  4. Gwangju-Bukgu, Ulsan-Donggu, and Suwon City of Korea
 IV. Comparative Analysis on Participatory Budgeting
  1. Political Context of Participatory Budgeting Adoption
  2. Understanding Participatory Budgeting by Comparative Analysis
 V. Conclusion


  • Sung-Il Yoon Ph.D. Candidate, Yonsei University
  • Dong-Wan Lim Associate Professor, Dankook University
  • Si-Kyung Seong Assistant Professor, Dankook University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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