

시도교육감 선출제도의 주요쟁점 도출과 향후 제도 개선 방향


Identifying Current Major Issues on Superintendent Election System : Future Policy Directions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to identify major policy issues on superintendent election system which has been politically controversial since its introduction in 2007 and to put forward policy alternatives to alleviate drawbacks and to reduce costs associated the system. Current system for electing superintendent has been changed so often and due to many reasons, but institutional problems have been still in place, and accordingly many policy suggestions have been made in order to tackle those problems by policy makers and academics. In recent times, Presidential Committee on Local Autonomy Development has published long-term plan to strengthen local autonomy in days to come, including reshuffling superintendent election system. Against this background, this paper attempts to derive major policy issues regarding superintendent election system and to suggest policy ideas enabling to ameliorate drawbacks relating to the election system. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the election system which can lower political and administrative costs during election period should be introduced. Second, it is necessary that we discuss more openly and more objectively the superintendent election-related issues rather than politically and ideologically.


 I. 서론
 II. 교육감 선출제도의 논의와 연구문제의 선정
  1. 교육감 선출제도 개관
  2. 교육감 선출제도의 외국사례
  3. 기존의 논의와 쟁점
  4. 기존 대안들의 유형
  5. 연구문제
 III. 주요 쟁점 도출과 쟁점별 논의
  1. 분석절차와 방법
  2. 주요 쟁점별 실태 분석
  3. 도덕성과 비리 및 고비용문제
  4. 교육의 정치적 중립성 및 교육의 자주성 문제
  5. 이념차이와 정책갈등
 IV. 대안에 대한 논의
  1. 대안평가의 기준
  2. 대안들에 대한 주관적 평가
  3. 2개 대안들의 주요 특징 및 검토
 V. 향후 개선 방향
  1. 지방교육자치법의 개정: 교육감의 권한관계 규정 명확화
  2. 시범실시: 세종특별자치시와 제주특별자치도
 VI. 결론


  • 최영출 Young-Chool Choi. 충북대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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