

论“丙子之役”后朝鲜对清朝关系的实态 - 以贡物变化情况为视角 -


Study on the Realities of Joseon's Foreign Relations with Qing Dynasty after the Second Manchu Invasion

론“병자지역”후조선대청조관계적실태 - 이공물변화정황위시각 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The tributes provided by Joseon Dynasty to Qing Dynasty actually had included two types as the Annual Tributes and the Local Products provided as diplomatic presents to Qing Dynasty. The Annual Tributes grew out of the First Manchu Invasion in 1627, which had incipiently acted as the war reparations from Joseon to Qing, rather than the real political tributes under traditional Tributary System. However, as time goes on, it had been slowly added with more political meanings as diplomatic etiquette by Qing Dynasty, though this situation would not been psychologically accepted by the dominators of Joseon Dynasty who had been always having the cultural awareness of regarding Joseon as the Small China. After the Second Manchu Invasion, which happened in 1636, the Tributary Relations was formally founded between Qing Dynasty and Joseon Dynasty. Taking this diplomatic system as the premise, the official tributes provided by Joseon were formally confirmed as the termly Annual Tributes and various kinds of nonsked Local Products which were treated as diplomatic presents to Qing Dynasty. In history, these two types of tributes had both been cut down in policy by Qing Dynasty, but the results of the changes of these two types were different. The termly Annual Tributes had in truth gradually reduced, but the nonsked tributary Local Products had usually been increased. That was basically because the attitudes of Joseon towards these two types were different. Joseon had been eager to reduce the former which had been always considered as their economic burden. While to the latter, which mainly consisting of special local product and luxuries, Joseon used to take them as the diplomatic tools of flattering the rulers of Qing Dynasty, so as to achieve more practical aims, such as saving the detained princes in Shenyang. Especially, in the period of the dynastic changes from Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Joseon's continual dispatching envoys and tributes to Qing Dynasty could not always represent Joseon's allegiance, but just showed Joseon's perfunctoriness towards Qing Dynasty. In this sense, the rulers of Joseon, who had been taking the cultural awareness of regarding Joseon as the Small China, had just abalienated a small quantity of economic loss so as to getinreturn more diplomatic benefits. Meanwhile, taking advantages of exterior paying tributes, Joseon Dynasty had skillfully covered up their deep enmity to Qing Dynasty and tried their best to protect the safety of their nation.


조선의 청나라에 대한 공물 형태는 실질적으로 세폐(歲幣)와 방물(方物) 두 가지였다. 청나라과 조선 사이의 세폐 문제는 정묘호란(丁卯胡亂)에 기인한 것으로, 이는 비록 조선의 청나라에 대한 전쟁 배상이었지만, 조선은 청나라과 전쟁 이후 형제지국(兄弟之國)이라는 국가관계를 맺고 매년 봄, 가을 두 차례 청나라에 세폐를 바쳤으며, 이것이 일종의 공물(貢物)로써기능하면서 차츰 국가적 의례(儀禮)라는 정치적 의미를 갖게 되었다. 당시 조선 국왕과 대소신료들이 소중화 의식을 가지고 있기는 했지만 이러한 변화를 외교적으로나 문화적으로 흔쾌히 받아들이지는 않았다. 병자호란(丙子胡乱) 후 청나라와 조선의 봉공관계(封貢關係)가확립되면서 조선의 청나라에 대한 공물로 세폐와 방물이 병존하는 현상이 나타났다. 청나라초기 회유정책(懷柔政策)하에서 조선의 세폐 및 방물은 여러 차례 감해졌으나 실질적 결과는 “세폐는 예전 보다 많이 감면되었으나 방물은 줄지 않고 증가”하는 차이를 보이게 되었다. 이러한 차이가 나타나게 된 것은 전쟁 배상으로써의 세폐는 조선이 오랜 세월 동안 떨쳐버리고자 했던 경제적 짐이었던데 반해, 특산품과 사치품 위주의 방물은 조선에 의해 주로 청나라상류층과의 교제 및 포섭 수단으로 활용되었으며 명목이 다양하고 진상도 빈번했는데 이것이야말로 조선왕조 외교 전략의 현실성과 융통성을 극명하게 보여주는 것이라 하겠다. 특히 명청교체기에 조선 사신은 청나라에 자주 입국하는데 이는 왕세자를 돌봐주고 귀한시키기 위한외교적 조치였으며, 조선의 적극적인 진공(進貢)은 청나라에 대한 표면적 대응의 반영일 뿐이었다. 소중화 의식을 가지고 있던 조선의 조정은 경제적 이익을 양도하는 조공이라는 외피로존주자강(尊周自强)에 기초한 숭명배청(崇明排淸) 의식을 교묘하게 가렸던 것이다.


 1. “岁币”问题之由来及“丙子之役”前朝鲜的进献情况
 2. “丙子之役”后清廷对岁币的削减与朝鲜的反应
 3. “丙子之役”后朝鲜所贡方物的变化及其背后的利益诉求
 4. 结论


  • 石少颖 석소영. 中国·山东大学·历史文化学院副教授。


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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