

중ㆍ근세 농기구 명칭의 어휘론적 연구


A Lexical Study of the Farming Tools on the Middle and Modern Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is the lexical study on the names of farming tools which are recorded in the agricultural books. More than 230 kinds of old books concerned with agriculture were published during of Chosun-Dynasty in Korea. The lexical field of farming tools are including farming tools of plow and vitalize. The names of farming tools in these books were written in Chinese characters at first, and then also recorded in Hangul with the Chinese characters. In these books, there are many names of farming tools. In order to study the meaning of the farming name, it is needed the same item. However, farming tools, as well as different names, lacks examples of middle age texts. In addition, in many cases its meaning is not easy to study. But these related research of farming tools is also executed under the preferred one. This thesis is the study on orthography and lexical meaning on farming tools used in the books, especially on the different meaning of ‘도러ᄎᆡ(도리ᄀᆡ, 도리ᄭᆡ), 으(撻), 호(鋤), 낫(鐮), 가상(稻床), 그(稻著), 키(荊杷), 키(箕), 붓돗(颺席), 방아(碓), 물방아(水碓), 매(磨), 졀구(杵臼), 자귀(斤), 독긔(斧), 각귀(鏟), 쟝도리(鍵)’(Kongju National University)


Ι. 머리말
 II. 농기구 어휘 고찰
 III. 마무리


  • 이광호 Lee, Kwangho. 공주대학교 사범대학 국어교육과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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