

Successful Global Brand of the Adidas : Porter’s 5 Forces and SWOT Analyses


Jae-Woong Byun

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper will focus on the value-based services for sustainable business of Adidas and how Adidas managed to become what it is today: the second largest sports apparel manufacturer after Nike. The main part of this paper is the analysis of the industry where Adidas applies a 5-forces analysis in its business. Additionally, a SWOT analysis helps to understand the reasons behind the success of Adidas and show the current state of the company. We will have a look on the way how Adidas is positioning globally. In addition, there are some comparative analysis between Adidas and Nike to understand their differentiated marketing strategy. For the business analysis, Porter's Five Forces model and the SWOT analysis are very effective in analyzing the tactics of Adidas and employing them to the circumstances of the customers. In this paper, Section 2 analyzes the value-based services for sustainable business of Adidas. Section 3 examines Adidas by Porter's Five Forces analysis. Section 4 analyzes the SWOT, and finally, conclusions are provided in the Section 5.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Value-based Services for Sustainable Business
 Ⅲ. Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis
 Ⅳ. SWOT Analysis
 Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Jae-Woong Byun Associate Professor, Department of International Commerce, Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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