

Efficiency Evaluation of Welfare Facilities for the Elderly Applying AHP and DEA Techniques


Dong Su Lee, In Hong Chang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the factors which have influence on the welfare facilities for the elderly and analyzes their efficiency. It investigated theoretical studies and preceding studies and divided the efficiency evaluation factors into input and output factors. Input factors included budget, the number of workers and clients and facility area and output factors were operation management, the number of clients, profitability and welfare for the elderly. To sum up the analysis results of evaluation factors of welfare facilities for the elderly, the analysis of relative importance of input showed that budget was most important. As a result of analyzing the relative importance among detailed items, balance sheet and professional manpower were highest. Input factors by facility types showed that the budget for utility facilities and living facilities were highest. In output factors, utility facilities and living facilities were highest in management systematization and welfare for the elderly, respectively. In efficiency evaluation, utility facilities for the elderly showed 100% of efficiency in CCR and BCC models. In welfare facilities for the elderly, while CCR model showed 100% of efficiency in facility types A, C, D, and F, the efficiency was low in facility B (79.89%), E (77.14%), and G (80.72%). In BCC model, facility E was low as 78.69%. In efficiency comparison between utility facilities and living facilities for the elderly welfare, the efficiency of utility facilities for the elderly welfare was higher. Therefore, this study investigated the efficiency of welfare facilities for the elderly as its main purpose and presented policy suggestions based on the research results as the alternative.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1. Meaning of Welfare Facilities for the Elderly
  2.2. Importance of Evaluation Factors of Welfare Facilities for the Aged
  2.3. Efficiency Evaluation of Welfare Facilities for the Aged
 3. Research Design
  3.1. Analysis Methods
  3.2. Setting Analysis Framework
  3.3. Operational Definition of Variables
 4. Positive Analysis
  4.1. Sample Characteristics
  4.2. Analysis of Relative Importance
  4.3. Efficiency Analysis
 5. Discussion of Analysis Results and Suggestions


  • Dong Su Lee Doctor’s Course at Dept. of Computer Science and Statistics, Chosun University, Korea
  • In Hong Chang Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Statistics, Chosun University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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