

Remote Control on Rotational Electromagnetic Waves (Quantum Physics)




Atomic bondings produce rotational electromagnetic waves, which generate attraction forces. Any material has one’s characteristic frequency. Because the rotational electromagnetic waves are massless particles, the attraction forces can absorb the waves from far distance. And also they move from here to there by absorbing the energies from frequency resonance. The mind energy can do remote control through sending one’s energy to others. The farming amulet can give any therapeutic energy or growing energies to the farming fields. The remote control energies move by chaotic process, which are composed of (lp × ln) and (rp × rn). The resonance energies move by chaotic process, which are especially useful to farming germination because they induce to DNA copying. The frequency channel selection is done by willpower through sending one’s energies to target farming objects.


 1. Special Relativity and Energy Vectors
 2. Free Particle
 3. Quantum State Particle and General Relativity(Nagative mass and Positive Mass)
 4. Exact Analytical solution for Partial Differential Equilibrium Equations and Discussions(Exact Solution of Navier-Stokes’s Equation)
 5. Remote Control Equation for Rotational Electromagnetic Waves(Quantum Physics)
  5.1. Untruth of Conventional Atomic Model
  5.2. Derivation of Acceleration in Free Space of Michelson‐Morley Static Medium(Newton’s Laws of Motion) (Quantum Physics, Gene
  5.3. General Relativity Resonance in Quantum Physics


  • Hung-kuk Oh Dept of Mechanical engineering, Ajou University South Korea
  • Ye-joon Kim Dept of Mechanical engineering, Ajou University South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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