

Oriental Physics is the Same as Solutions for the Millennium Seven Problems in View of Modern Physics (Conversion from time to Space Geometry)




Oriental Physics is composed of the rotational electromagnetic waves(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10). Solutions for the Millennium Seven Problems also are composed of the rotational electromagnetic waves(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10). However modern Physics are composed of the fields(time scales). Time scales(the field equations) must be transformed (converted) into geometry scales (space ones) in order to be solved. The transforming processes are Rieman hypothesis, Birch- Swinerton-Dyer conjecture, Hodge conjecture and P vs NP problem. And then the processes toward mass Gap are Poincaré conjecture, Navier-Stokes's Equation and Yang-Mills Theory and Mass Gap Hypothesis. Oriental Physics is the same as the solutions for the millennium seven problems in view of modern physics (fields physics).


 1. Special Relativity and Energy Vectors
 2. Zero Point Energy
 3. Electromagnetic waves
 4. Oriental Physics
  4.1. The Book of Changes(ref.1)
  4.2. Hado (ref.1)
  4.3. Naksue and Taekuk (ref.1)
  4.4. Chunbookyung (ref.2)
 5. Solutions for the Millennium Seven Problems(ref.3)
  5.1. Rieman Hypothesis
  5.2. Birch-Swierton-Dyer conjecture
  5.3. Poincaré conjecture
  5.4. Hodge conjecture
  5.5. P vs NP Problem
  5.6. Navier-Stokes’s Equation
  5.7. Yang-Mills Theory and Mass Gap Hypothesis
 6. Discussions


  • Hung-kuk Oh Dept of Mechanical engineering, Ajou University South Korea
  • Ho-gyun Jeong Dept of Mechanical engineering, Ajou University South Korea


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