

새만금 한중경제협력단지의 성공적인 조성을 위한 소고 : 소주공업원구 사례를 중심으로


A Review for Successful Development of Saemangeum Korea-China Economic Cooperation Area : Focusing on the Suzhou Industrial Park Case


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Development of Saemangeum Korea-China Economic Cooperation Area is a project between Korea and China starting from the agenda at the summit between the two countries towards to be the ‘Suzhou Industrial Park in the Pan Yellow Sea Region’. The Suzhou Industrial Park is a project that was conducted at the level of the central governments between China and Singapore, which was created upon the excellent experiences of Singapore. The Suzhou Industrial Park is one of the most competitive development zones in China. Behind the success of the industrial park are considered to be the organizational system that has been run periodically by both governments, the operation system separated into administration and development, the effective government operation system, reference of Singapore experiences and operation of the one-stop service center. The case analysis of the Suzhou Industrial Park proposes the policies to develope a system to develop the Saemangeum Korea-China Economic Cooperation Area; to build the SKCD integrating administration and development; to relocate the Saemangeum Development Agency to Saemangeum; to create the business-friendly environment; and to make the Saemangeum Korea-China Economic Cooperation Area as a mecca for innovation, as a necessary implication.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구
  2.1 중국 국가급 특구
  2.2 소주공업원구
 3. 소주공업원구 운영모델
  3.1 중국-싱가포르 국가 협력 조직
  3.2 소주공업원구 정부-기업 분리형 운영
  3.3 효율적인 정부 운영체계
 4. 새만금 한중경협단지 조성에 미치는 시사점
 5. 결론
 About the Authors


  • 강태원 Kang, Taewon. 군산대학교 물류학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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