

중국에서 정율성의 항일독립운동과 디아스포라적 삶


A Study on the Diasporic Life of Jeong Yulseong’s and Anti-Japanese Independence Movements in China

임영언, 김재기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze about music of Jeong Yulseong’s anti-Japanese independent movement and future possibility of Chinese culture exchange with Korea. The findings of this study are as follows: First, Jeong Yulseong has suffered from a lot of difficulties as anti-Japanese independence fighter and was excluded in Korea's compensation because of his ideological background. Second, Jeong Yulseong’s diasporic life geographically intersected with China-North Korea-China, his anti-Japanese independence movement and music activity is combined to local Shanghai, Nanjing, Yenan, North Korea etc. Third, Jeong Yulseong’s life was forced diasporic life to Chinese in North Korea to Korean in China, but his music at least transcended spirit of nation and ethnic. Fourth, Jeong Yulseong could not overcome political backdrop of China, although tried to separate the music world from the politics world until his last life. Fifth, Jeong Yulseong’s music activity was effected a lot by his forcing in China and Chosun and impacts his diasporic life. In conclusion, the findings of the study suggest that Jeong Yulseong’s diasporic life is advise to transcend and revaluate thoughts and political ideology.


 1. 서론
 2. 정율성에 대한 선행연구
 3. 중국에서 정율성 가문의 항일독립운동
 4. 중국에서 정율성의 디아스포라적 삶과 항일음악활동
  4.1 제1시기: 중국이주와 항일혁명운동(1933년~1945년)
  4.2 제2시기: 조국해방과 북한이주(1945년~1951년)
  4.3 제3시기: 조국분단과 중국이주(1951년~1976년)
 5. 결론
 About the Authors


  • 임영언 Yim, Youngeon. 전남대 세계한상문화연구단 연구교수
  • 김재기 Kim, Jaigi. 전남대 정치외교학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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