

汉语“V过” 与韩语“V-어 보다”的被动句式纠明 — 以“离散性质”理论为方法论 —


A Study on the Chinese “V 过” and Korean “V-어 보다” Passive Sentences by Using the Theory of “Terminal Characteristic”

한어“V과” 여한어“V-어 보다”적피동구식규명 — 이“리산성질”이론위방법론 —

齐颖, 陈刚华, 武庆楠

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are different expressions for the terminal characteristics in the Chinese and Korean passive grammars. By comparing the characteristics of verbs which appear in Chinese “V 过” and Korean “V-어 보다” sentences, the paper reveals that those verbs assorted with Chinese dynamic auxiliary “过” or Korean complement verb “-어 보다” are not only to be with a clear “start-stop” feature, but also to be underlined with concluding situation. Therefore, in order to express the “experience” meaning of their actions, the verbs connected with dynamic particle “过” or Korean complement “-어 보다” should have a terminal characteristic. In addition, the scope of the study on verbs is focused on passive sentences. The paper analyzes the limiting factors of verbs connected with the “experience” auxiliary in both of the Chinese and Korean passive sentences from the semantic attributes, and concludes the characters of semantics of “V+ ‘experience’”. Finally, from the combination of the meaning of “V + ‘experience’” passive sentence, the situation types of verbs and the semantics of verbs, we can conclude the reasons why some verbs cannot form the “V + ‘experience’” passive sentences.


汉韩语言对于被动语法中的离散性质表述各有不同,本文通过对汉语“V过”和韩语“V-어 보다”中的动词的特点进行对比分析,揭示了汉语动态助词“过”和韩语补助动词“-어 보다”搭配时动词的特点,体察到此类句式中动词不仅需要具有明确的“起止”特性,而且还需着眼动作的结束情况。因此,动态助词“过”和韩语补助动词“-어 보다”所连接的动词必须具有高度的“离散性质”,才能表达出其动作的“经历”意涵。另则,本文还进一步试将动词的研究范围锁定于被动句,并从语义属性角度考察了汉韩被动句中表示“经历”的补助(动)词所连接的动词的限制因素,总结出了“V+‘经历’”被动语义的特征。最后,从“V+‘经历’”被动句的意义和动词情状、语义的配合,总结出了动词不能用于“V+‘经历’”被动句的原因所在。


 1. 绪论
 2. 汉·韩语法特征
  2.1. 汉·韩被动句的谓语
  2.2. 汉·韩助(动)词的语义特征
 3. 汉·韩助(动)词在被动句中的离散性质分析
  3.1. 汉·韩助(动)词的离散性质
  3.2. 汉语“V过”被动句和韩语“V-어 보다”被动句
 4. 结语


  • 齐颖 제영. 中国华中师范大学外国语学院韩语系,副教授,韩 国釜山大学文学博士
  • 陈刚华 진강화. 中国华中师范大学公共管理学院,讲师,韩国高丽大学博士
  • 武庆楠 무경남. 中国华中师范大学外国语学院韩语系硕士研究生


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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