



Emotional teaching for ideological and political course in universities


杨宁, 李慧琳

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ideological and political course in the colleges and universities is a main channel to educate students on politics and ideology. However, because the course is characterized by seriousness and it is very theoretical, many teachers employ traditional in-put teaching method. As a result, a large number of students can not enjoy the learning and then they lose interest in study. With the development of the society, the approaches to teach this course also advance step by step. Among them, emotional teaching is steadily accepted, applied and put into practice by teachers. It becomes an indispensable part in the process of teaching ideological and political course, enabling the students to study with pleasure and to efficiently improve the teaching. Based on above, this thesis makes further investigation on the connotation, characteristics, principle of emotional teaching. The investigation is conducted in the form of questionnaire and personal talks, dedicated to highlight the importance of emotional teaching in the ideological and political course. The thesis discusses the effective countermeasures when emotional teaching is applied to teach this course. Concretely speaking, the thesis studies and investigates eternal objective environment, the professional qualities of teachers’, the relationship between students and teachers as well as teaching method. It aims to combine emotional teaching with ideological and political course in classes, to form new teaching principles, to develop teaching potent efficiently, to activate students in the class and in order to make class teaching better and better. What is more, the new teaching principle should be kept in long run. Only in this way can the teaching achievement reach to the largest extent and can the goal of ‘Better teaching with emotion’ ‘Better teaching promotes study’ be realized.




 1. 引言
 2. 情感教学的基本原理
 3. 情感教学在高校思想政治理论课教学中应用情况的现状调查
 4. 改进思想政治理论课课堂过程中实施情感教学的策略
 5. 结束语


  • 杨宁 양저. 北京科技大学马克思主义学院思想政治教育专业2009级硕士研究生
  • 李慧琳 이혜림. 北京科技大学马克思主义学院思想政治教育专业2009级博士研究生


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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