

中國의 地域經濟一體化政策과 그 가치동향에 대한 小考


China's Regional Economic Integration and its value movement

중국의 지역경제일체화정책과 그 가치동향에 대한 소고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This report mainly deals with the objectives and and qualitat motives of China's RTA(Regional Trade agreement) and analyzes China's RTA strategies both quantitatively ively in order to draw up more viable suggestions for future Korea-China FTA negotiations. Chapter 2 briefly describes several important RTA negotiations in process at the moment. China-ASEAN FTA negotiations began in July 2005 to promote the full liberalization of trade in goods and is expected to finish by 2010. China has completed two bilateral FTAs with Chile and Pakistan. With Hong Kong and Macao, China also concluded CEPA(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) to include the liberalization of trade both in goods and services. FTA negotiations with developed countries such as Australia and New Zealand are now in process, and energy security issues have been on the negotiation table since 2004 with the GCC. In Chapter 3, we explain the purposes of China's RTA promotion and analyze the decisive factors for China to select its RTA partner countries. There are two broad categories; (1) diplomacy and security and (2) economic interest. From the first point of view, China has located herself in the center of the Eurasian FTA in the long term blueprint to parallel EU, FTAA. It appears that China wants to strengthen its leadership and to offset the US influence in the region to form Sino‐centric East-Asianism. In terms of economic interest, main concerns include: securing energy and raw material sources overseas; evading trade dispute(by diversifying export markets to enter new emerging markets, roundabout trade to the western markets etc.); inducing recognition of China's MES(Market Economy Status); enhancing industrial competitiveness; facing pressure from the US on trade sanctions against China; promoting 'Great West Development' and 'Northeast Revival'; strengthening ties with overseas Chinese; and accelerating the Chinese companies, 'going abroad' process, etc. To sum up, China seems to prioritize FTA partner countries among the countries in the vicinity, developing countries or third world countries, and non Western countries. More specifically, China tends to prioritize countries that can be used as roundabout routes for its export to the western markets, countries that will help China to secure sources for energy and raw materials, and also those that can give an edge to the enhancement of industrial competitiveness and promotion of west and northeast development. This finding is also supported by the study presented in Chapter 4. we show that China mainly promotes FTAs with (1) adjacent and nearby countries and (2) countries with abundant natural resources.


중국의 지역경제일체화 추진작업은 비교적 늦게 시작되었지만 그 진행속도는 매우 빠르다. 중국의 상무부 통계자료에 따르면 중국은 2007년 4월까지 20여 개 국가를 포함하는 10건의 FTA 협상을 타결했거나 추진 중이며, 2006년 현재 이 국가들과의 무역액은 대외무역 총액의 24%에 해당하는 4천244억 달러에 달하는 것으로 나타났다. 2004년 동남아시아국가연합 (ASEAN) 10개국, 2005년과2006년에 칠레, 파키스탄과 각각 FTA협정을 체결하였고, 홍콩, 마카오와는 경제협력강화협정(CEPA, Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement)을 통해 완전한 시장개방을 이루었다. 현재 FTA 공식협상국은 호주, 뉴질랜드를 비롯하여 아이슬란드 등을 들 수 있고, 걸프협력협의회(GCC; Gulf Cooperation Council), 상하이협력기구(SCO; The Shanghai Cooperation Organization) 회원국과도 FTA 추진에 합의하였다. 중국이 국가발전전략을 설정하고 그것을 구체화하는 것은 일정한 가치동향의 영향을 받은 결과일 것이다. 현재 중국이 참여하고 있고 참여를 구상하는 경제일체화 작업에 대한 지향가치는 국가경제의 안전 특히 자원의 안전보장과 연결되어 있다. 지역경제일체화 과정에서 중국은 경제안전‐자원안전을 지향가치로 하여 제16기 인민대표대회의 목표를 실현하는데 현실적이고 미래지향적인 의미를 두고 있는 것으로 해석된다.


 1. 서언
 2. 중국 지역경제일체화 추진현황
 3. 중국 지역경제일체화 패턴의 전환
 4. 중국 지역경제일체화의 가치동향
 5. 여론


  • 李閏哲 이윤철. 부산대학교 중국연구소 전임연구원, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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