

明淸代 江浙市鎭의 紡織業 生産ㆍ流通構造 - 太湖 南岸의 絹織業市鎭을 중심으로 -


The Structure of Textile Manufacturing and Distribution at the Market Towns in the Jiangzhe(江浙) District about Ming-Ch'ing Dynasty; Centering around Silk Industrial Towns at the Southern Shore of Taihu(太湖)

명청대 강절시진의 방직업 생산ㆍ유통구조 - 태호 남안의 견직업시진을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to investigate The Structure of Textile Manufacturing and Distribution at the Market Towns in the Jiangzhe(江浙) District about Ming-Ch'ing Dynasty; Centering around Silk Industrial Towns at the Southern Shore of Taihu(太湖). The growth of silk manufacturing was based on the technical developments from the middle of Ming(明). It was mostly the full-time producers(機戶) who were engaged in this manufacturing, and the division of labor and great labor market had been formed. However the silk manufacturing had been degrading since the middle of Ch'ing, because the profit ratio was reduced by increasing the price of raw silk. Taking advantage from this situation, the merchants began to control the producers by putting out the materials, called ‘Casi(折絲)’. The circulation of textile goods was consisted basically in the traditional trade practice that the long-distance merchants committed the purchase of produces to the middle men(投行收買), but these middle men were more specialized: the major middle men(廣行, 客行, 經行) who distributed raw silk to the long-distance merchants, the middle men(鄕絲行, 劃莊) who worked for the major middle men in the market towns, and the collectors(抄莊, 掇莊, 販子) in countryside. The long-distance merchants with great capital dominated all these deals. At the same time, the exports of raw silk into West via Guangzhou(廣州) was increasing, and the special dealers of warp also had obtained it by putting out materials since the middle Ch'ing. As for the circulation of silk textile, the case was similar. The long-distance merchants penetrated into the intermediary business in the early Ch'ing, and set up the processing(煉․染) workshops in the producing centers and the stores in the cities such as Suzhou(蘇州) in the middle. Thus they had control of the circulation network by completing system ranging from the purchase of textile goods to the manufacturing and marketing of them. And this made it possible for minor middle men, called Lingtou(領頭), to work between producers and middle men.


본고는 명청시대 太湖 南岸 市鎭의 견직업 상품 생산과 유통의 구조와 특징을 파악하려는 연구이다. 먼저 太湖 南岸 諸市鎭의 발달이 양잠제사업, 견직업 상품생산과 밀접한 관련이 있음을 개략적으로 정리하였다. 다음으로 견직업에서 생산자 機戶와 牙行(綢行, 綢莊)의 관계를 찾기 위해 濮院鎭, 雙林鎭, 盛澤鎭 등 江南의 대표적 견직업 市鎭의 생산을 유형별로 정리하고, 특히 상인의 생산지배를 전대제인 ‘拆絲’ 자료를 통해 파악해 보았다. 마지막으로 견직물 유통에서 綢行과 객상의 지배관계 및 그 유형을 사료를 중심으로 정리하고, 綢行業으로부터 領頭業이 분화하는 것을 客商資本의 견직물 가공업 진출, 판매 네트워크의 구축이라는 객상 활동의 변화와 연계시켜 파악하였다.


 1. 머리말
 2. 絹織業市鎭의 成長
 3. 絹織物生産과 機戶ㆍ 牙行
 4. 絹織物流通과 牙行ㆍ 客商
 5. 맺음말


  • 閔耕俊 민경준. 부산대학교 사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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